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Q: Attacks exploiting decryption failures in KYBER

Swaminathan VI am going through the portion mentioned under the heading Original KYBER analysis inside Section 5.5 titled Attacks exploiting decryption failures. $${\sf Pr}[\|v\|> k\sigma \sqrt{m}]< k^m e^{\frac{m}{2}(1-k^2)} \hskip5em (1)$$ Equation $1$ is used for computing the probability of finding a $m$-...

3 hours later…
Q: Security concerns of FF3 for in-place encryption

Maarten BodewesThere have been publicized attacks that break FF3 for small domains, specifically "Breaking the FF3 Format-Preserving Encryption Standard over Small Domains" by Durak & Vaudenay. However, these attacks generally seem to require chosenplaintext. Are there any attacks or security concerns when only...

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