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Sholem Aleicham
how is it going
oh wait, that's hebrew :P
@AlUmmatمجاهد it's the same thing though :)
should i quote a hadeeth?
as samu aleikum
@DhoweedYaAgov Wa Alaikum
you know arabic?
@DhoweedYaAgov do you want to?
@yoel oh ok :)
@DhoweedYaAgov yes
i just did: as samu aleikum
@DhoweedYaAgov Dovid, Aleichem Sholem
not asalamu aleikum
@DhoweedYaAgov their both basically the same
@DhoweedYaAgov btw is "YaAgov" יעקב?
is that like Temani transliteration?
the aA is an ayin
unless you want me to wright Y3gov
follow your heart...
i follow my brain over my heart
you need both, bro
rambam said brain>heart
Well, follow your rav...
my rov is RaMbaM
So you're good then. :)
boruch hashem
where you from
chutz laaretz R"L
northern california
is there a big temani population there?
im not teimoni
and no there isnt
oh... sorry, didn't mean to make assumptions
but you pronounce like temanim
and follow the rambam?
most of the teimonim here are not so educated
and those who are don't follow their teimonim minhogeem
well, dor daim isn't the only minhag temani...
they are either satmar-ized or sepharad-ized
dor daim are baladi
the other are shami
now a days there are no baladi anymore
just a few by name who remember their parents and grandparents, but they themselves don't know anything
so... how come you hold like temanim? how were you raised?
i don't hold like the teimonim
i hold like RaMbaM
so... how come you hold like rambam? how were you raised?
it has nothing to do with how you were raised
oh, so it's okay then that the temanim are satmerized?
because satmar are not RaMbaM
but if it doesn't matter how they were raised, what's the problem?
problem is that they are wrong with regards to judaism
nice achdus bro
give an example
aka zohar
and other none sense
no his friend
okay, well he knows what i think and i know what he thinks
well then there is no point of starting the entire conversation all over again
ill stick with my rambam and you still with your w/e you have :p
B"H I have practically every sage from today back to Moshe Rabbenu
as you say, you have rambam
and aristotle, i guess
but you dont have Mosha Rabbeinu's teachings
Well, I do, and you do too.
are you saying RaMbaM didn't have rabbonim dating generations back to Mosha Rabbeinu?
i am definitely saying that certain opinions of the rambam's were totally a daas yachid
and not based on our mesorah
Just because a person an date his teacher's teacher's and so on to Mosha Rabbeinu, it has nothing to do with the Mosha Rabbeinu's teachings
what is "our mesorah"
who are we?
it's definitely not greek philosophy, i can tell you that much
it has nothing to do with greek philosophy
using philosophy to enhance your mind doesn't mean anything
to mesorah
it doesn't break away i mean
it only enhance
well, follow your brain... but greek philosophy is assur
the ideas of their philosophy are ossur not their methodology of learning about the world
RaMbaM himself writes that aristotle is an apikorus
not to mentino apikorus was a greek philosopher...
where did you think the word came from in the gemoroh?
@yoel That's circular. According to the Rambam, Chazal used the wisdom of the time and so did he. So it's in the Mesora. Not using wisdom of the time is out of the Mesora.
i know
thank you double aa
@DoubleAA sure, but most other rishonim argue on rambam, so he's mostly a daas yachid
rif agrees in many things
@yoel I don't even think that's true. But in any event it's circular to call him not based in the Mesora, especially considering how much of future halacha is based on him.
@DoubleAA i only meant in regards to his "philosophical" teachings
obviously Mishneh Torah is one thing
moreh nevuchim is another
@yoel And that's what I meant by circular
his philosophical teachings are seen in the mishne toroh
its not 2 different things
its one person one mind
he doesn't set aside one thing when writing another
@DhoweedYaAgov I agree. Splitting them would be near impossible to do.
@DhoweedYaAgov Rebbe Nachman of Breslev zy'a says that the Rambam is a tzadik who made mistakes. Just because certain ideas were mistaken it doesn't invalidate the rest of them.
obviously we're not going to agree on this
@DoubleAA Though I find it strange, why are there people (not Teimanim who have a mesora) that rule like the Rambam in everything and there aren't people that rule like, say, the Tur (or Rif, or Mordechai) in everything?
listen my "rov" is a belzer einikel and a breslover chosid
he told me everything i need to know what reb nachman said bout rambam
@ShmuelBrin IIUC it has to do with his writing an entire work encompassing everything.
and i can tell you reb nachman is wrong
@DhoweedYaAgov He's definitely not, but like I said, we're not going to agree
@yoel I'm not sure how you are in a position to judge. Have you read more nevuchim?
@DoubleAA How does that change anything. 99% of Nogeya halachos are in the Tur/Mordechai/Rif, etc
@DoubleAA nope, I am relying on the Rebbe, who also said it's assur (for a Breslever) to read it.
@ShmuelBrin Eh. Probably more like 80% in any one book.
I'm not judging - Rebbe Nachman isn't either, he's assessing. No judgements are passed.
@ShmuelBrin supposedly "all of klal yisroayl" took upon themselves the shulchon oruch
and dropped their mesorahs for it
@ShmuelBrin But also, the Rambam was held as the highest in a sense by the Shulchan Aruch
@DhoweedYaAgov My question is why do people go back to the Rambam. Who said that his mesora is better than say, Tosfos or Rashi?
@ShmuelBrin And the fact that temanim have an active mesora does help, ie it's easier to imagine switchiing from ashkenaz to sefardi than to switch to your own made up collection of halachot
@DoubleAA I thought that it was a three way vote - Rambam, Rif and Rosh.
Reb Karo wrote that those communites who had mesorah to hold like rosh and rambam who is the highest posek and much bigger than he is (his words) should hold like that
not only mesorah but especially if they had mesorah
@ShmuelBrin That's what it was allegedly, but most of the times the rule breaks it's in favor of the rambam, and plus there are whole seifim that are lifted straight out of the Rambam.
and if the community who follows S'A is the majority, it should not compel the minority communites to follow it
Also Tosofth and Rashi are basically in the same boat
@DhoweedYaAgov I understand why the Teimanim hold like the Rambam (like Chabad holds like the Shu"a Harav even though the Mishnah Brurah/Aruch Hashulchan came later). My question is on those Ashkenazim/Sefardim who switch
And I am telling you im not going to hold by tosofoth
because sechel beats mesorah
@DhoweedYaAgov in that case you should hold like tosfos, as he gives sevaras for halachas (in contrast to the Rambam)
@DhoweedYaAgov what is even your basis for this idea
on the contrary tosofoth is not on the level of rambam regarding paskening holochoth
@DhoweedYaAgov why not?
tosofoth were influenced by the christians in europe
rambam was not
tosofoth used christian pilpul methodology to get things straight, which in the outcome of these holochoth go against the gemoroh
@DhoweedYaAgov you can claim that he was influenced by muslims, and the Tanayim were influenced by Greeks, and Moshe Rabbeinu was influenced by pagans.
@DhoweedYaAgov The Gemara uses pilpul.
right but they made the holochoth and we cant change them
we must follow them
tosofoth on the other hand we don't
@DhoweedYaAgov So maybe Tosfos was influenced by the Gemara and not by the Christians?
if they go opposite gemoroh that is wrong
@DhoweedYaAgov are you saying you would change the gemara if you could?
no we can see it was christians because it wasnt only pilpul which they used from them
yes the gemoroh needs changing
but we cant change it because there is no sanhadreen
@DhoweedYaAgov and how do you know the Rambam didn't use pilpul. He just didn't write it. Maybe the sefer that we have is like the Piskei Tosfos.
because rabbeinu avarohom ban harambam says that the french rabbis who use pilpul are wasting their time
@yoel That's not neccesarily a bad thing, provvided you don't actually do so.
pilpul is a waste of time he said it is not the way of toroh
@ShmuelBrin We're probably playing sematics here with that word.
there is nothing wrong to change the gemoroh
@DoubleAA are you saying that you agree that the gemara needs changing?
we just dont have the ability
@ShmuelBrin You can. But he doesn't.
@yoel I don't think it's kefira to say so. You don't think Sanhedrin should come mevatel yom tov sheni?
many rabbonim have stated that the gemoroh is wrong in many things for example science and holochoth based on science
@DoubleAA I don't think I'm on a level to say whether or not yom tov sheni should be mevatel
@DoubleAA So that goes against the idea that "The Rambam was the true Mesora from Moshe Rabbeinu". People used pilpul (which I define as 'There are two texts that argue each other. Let's find a way for them not to contradict each other) going back to Moshe.
@yoel I'm not deciding either. But I'm certainly open to the possiblity.
@ShmuelBrin No one really had texts after moshe rabbeinu
ramchals rov wrote an entire sefer regarding the gemoroh and the holochoth based on science and why we should change them
because rabbonim in that time were arguing if they should follow those holochoth since they are not true anymore
@ShmuelBrin it could be though that he was tru mesora until the gemara or something like that. as in, passing on what they intended.
@DoubleAA no, but you had tannayim.
@ShmuelBrin So long as you view the Bavli as binding in and of itself, that's as far back a mesora on psak as you need.
rambam writes that reb hillel and reb shammai both agreed on holochoth using the same methology
once their students came into play, they were not as smart in that methology, making their psaks not on the same level as reb hillel and reb shammai
and that is why their students disagreed with eachother
causing machloketh
@DhoweedYaAgov We have exactly 3 machlokot between the two of them recordd
@DhoweedYaAgov So what do you do if there are stiros in the Rambam?
and he says HaShem didn't make us so that we should fix the problem
we should just follow
got to run
@DoubleAA but anyway, @DhoweedYaAgov isn't saying that certain things need updating, he's saying Chazal were wrong c"v. I don't think I'd call that kefira in a technical sense but it's uncomfortably close.
@DoubleAA 4 (if you count their teachers) or a few more if you count where one later retracted.
this idea can apply to us today, however today rabbonim dont have the authority as the gemoroh therefore it doesnt apply
there are stirot in rambam if you have a faulty text like the vilna edition or the venice edition
but if you use the teimani edition by mori kafih
you wont have such a big problem
that is why kesef mishnah and raavad had problems with rambam, and couldnt understand how he got ot a conclusion
@DhoweedYaAgov no stiras?
because of their faulty texts
there are problems like in the gemorah
scientific problems
@DhoweedYaAgov and in the Rambam
the same problem the gemoroh has regarding killing lice on shabboth applies to rambam
both gemoroh and rambam agree that animals and insects can come out of the body
or ground
and rambam sites aristotle for this because aristotle lived in the same time as the tannoim i think
and everyone back the believed that animals and plants can sprout from the body or ground
and rambam said that you would have to be an idiot not to believe it
well i am not an idiot and i dont believe it
because science proves its not so

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