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3:33 AM
@EdwinAshworth I have fixed my response to show that I do not want people just to google alternatives and throw them into an answer. As for research, was it not clear that I had done that when I said that I tried to search it up and shiznit and shoot did not fit into my content?
3:52 AM
@TarynLambert Hi Taryn. I see you read my comment. The difficult thing about it is that you didn't divulge the details of your research to us in the body of the question, which leaves us to estimate for ourselves just how difficult it may have been to find the answer. If you could tell us what you did and what you saw with an edit, that might help us understand that the question is not as easy to answer as it seems.
4:12 AM
I am just going to point out that when saying my question was "too simple to answer" the person was referring to questions such as "How do I move the turtle in LOGO?" While my question can be answered simply, it is obvious in the edits I made that I was looking for a more thought out answer.
TO add to this, just because somebody can still put an answer that is not thought out, does not mean I was asking for that. Therefore, my question shows thought and efforts, and cannot be answered by a simple google search.
I could also argue that many people found my question interesting which fills the requirement of “is this [question] somewhat interesting and on-topic?”. It must be interesting because I have thousands of views (or at least somewhat interesting).
4:43 AM
@Tonepoet Does my latest edit work?
@TarynLambert Perhaps. I've noticed that you have two reopen votes now.
4:59 AM
@Tonepoet How do you see a reopen vote?
@TarynLambert I have over 3,000 reputation points, so I have the vote to close and reopen privileges which allow me to see close and reopen votes too. You can't, yet.
@Tonepoet Ok, thank you!
@TarynLambert It might also help if you show us which results you got for "don't give a ..." which you already considered from google.
@Tonepoet I tried to change that. Well, the best I could at least. It is hard to explain how I found all of them when they were just suggested by the website itself once I searched for "don't care a fig".
@Tonepoet Just a question, how many reopen votes do you need to have your question reopened?
@TarynLambert Five.
5:11 AM
@Tonepoet Ok, do I still have two?
@TarynLambert :Yes.
@Tonepoet Ok! Thanks for all your help btw!
@TarynLambert You're welcome to it.
@TarynLambert It's harder now that you've asked, and seemingly got a satisfactory answer that's on the list of returned results. (That part makes me a little reluctant to cast my own reopening vote.) Normally however, it would be a matter of including a link to the best website you've found, and explaining why the alternative didn't work.
@Tonepoet What did you mean when you said "It's harder now that you've asked, and seemingly got a satisfactory answer that's on the list of returned results. " Also, I have added why it did not work, and a link to the website I found it on.
5:26 AM
@Tonepoet Still a tad bit confused.
@TarynLambert Those are my google search results. You can see that the answer you accepted is the first among them, from the same authoritative resource Catja provided.
@Tonepoet Oh. That makes sense. "Don't care a whit" did not show up when I searched it up, so I thought it was more original. Apparently not.
When I decide if a question should be opened or closed, I usually defer to the guidance provided in Basic Questions Are Not So Basic, with the following flowchart:
Keeping in mind that the last test is purely subjective, and hence usually skipped...
@Tonepoet I saw that as well. Does my question fit under the Answer the question category? I am not sure myself.
@TarynLambert I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards no. That's why I'm reluctant.There's no reason not to try and get it reopened, or help you to understand proceedure. It's also worth note that those guidelines may be outdated. Some people suggest that these guidelines supplant them:
A: How much research is needed?

Andrew LeachIt's perfectly reasonable for reviewers to assume that a common expression can be explained by consulting ordinary reference works. They shouldn't have to do that search. If it can't be, it's up to the asker to demonstrate that it can't be. Something like "I researched but maybe I missed it" isn'...

5:34 AM
@Tonepoet If you are leaning towards a no, any suggestions on what I should do to make it more of an Answer the question for everyone.
@TarynLambert I've given most of the advice that I can, but getting everybody to agree that doesn't matter too much. You only need to convince five people (or a moderator) and the question will be reopened, until five other people (or a moderator) decide it should be closed. Once you're done making your edits, you may want to take Sumelic's advice and petition to meta.
@TarynLambert One thing that might help is making sure that your link to The Free Dictionary leads to the search results.
@Tonepoet Thanks so much for your help btw, but I have one last question. What is meta?
@TarynLambert Meta is a subsection of our website where we discuss policies in a Q. & A. format similar to the main website. Before you go there though, I'd like to make some edits to your question, mostly just to embed the links. Presentation helps.
@Tonepoet Haha, I lied about that being my last question apparently. If I was to go to meta, should I delete that part that says I should not be put on hold?
5:57 AM
@TarynLambert I'm not sure really. Anyway, how does my edit look?
I am checking right now.
@Tonepoet They look great! Thank you so much for your time. How do you get it to meta though?
@TarynLambert Not yet, you'll get the most attention when you first make the question, so you want things to be perfect first.
May I ask you a question.
@Tonepoet Sure!
@TarynLambert Were those autofill suggestions that you saw?
@Tonepoet Yes
6:05 AM
@TarynLambert Then you'll want to expressly mention that, and perhaps include a screenshot for people to examine.
'cause a search for "don't care a" doesn't return results for some reason.
Oh, and one final thing: The research closure reason isn't the only closure reason. It's about one of half a dozen. It's hard to ask questions here. Some of the others are Primarily Opinion Based, Unclear What You Are Asking, Duplicate (For questions that were already asked here) and Too Broad (Too many answers are possible, or too long of an answer is required)
@Tonepoet I do not see it being a duplicate, or opinion based. As for unclear what I am asking, I thought it was pretty clear. And lastly, for too broad, I am only asking for a change in one word. And I am clear which word I wanted to change.
@TarynLambert Great. I just wanted to make sure you knew. Anyway, be sure to examine the help center while writing your case. Anyway, you can find meta by clicking on the upper right most icon. That should bring up a list of communities, and Meta English Language & Usage should be found under English Language & Usage. Meta is the one with the grey ampersand.
@Tonepoet Thanks so much for your time! You have been extremely helpful!
@TarynLambert I try to be, and please don't be too discouraged, even if things don't go so well on Meta. You can, at the very least, take this as a learning experience for the next question you might have for us and use the information you learned her so that it's not so readily closed.
6:22 AM
Should I just post what I wrote in my question on Meta?
@Tonepoet ^
@TarynLambert Yes, but you should also include more than that. Make an inquiry as to why the question was closed. I'm only guessing that it's Edwin's comment that did it. It's possible that there's some other reason.
@TarynLambert Well, just the end of what you wrote in your question that is. The part that relates to policy.
A link to the question itself should suffice for the rest of the context.
@Tonepoet Ok, I have to go now and I will do that tomorrow! Thanks again for all your help!
@TarynLambert If you need more help from me, feel free to ping me. I'll get back to you when I can.
16 hours later…
10:11 PM
@Tonepoet My question got reopened! Thanks so much! It would not have been possible without you!
@TarynLambert You're welcome: I'm glad I could help. If you need more help learning the ropes, let me know and I'll be happy to help you again.
@TarynLambert Keep in mind though that the opening and closure process is indefinite. Questions can be opened, closed, reopened, reclosed, et cetera. The one limit on it is that most people can't vote for the same outcome twice (the one exception is that moderators can do so indefinitely).
Anyway, one post you might want to read regarding question closure is The War of the Closes Stack Overflow blog article. It summarizes our basic goals with the close and reopen cycle rather well, as well as the problems.
10:39 PM
@TarynLambert Anyway, i do hate to be a bother, but I just read the commentary by Edwin Ashworth, and I think if anything, you might want to be more express regarding what you think "fits" into the poem. Ergo, do you want a word that specifically relates to the nuclear context?

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