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9:14 AM
A: Border Stroke with gradient colours and rounded corners

InsaneCat Please check below snippet button_back.xml drwable: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > <item> <shape android:shape="rectangle" > <gradient android:angle="0" ...

9:32 AM
hey chew
10:03 AM
yooooooooo @Zoe
2 hours later…
11:41 AM
@YokaiTheMonster yo Yo Insane Cat
@InsaneCat so should i give you dancing doll :P
hey @Zoe :) good evening
Hiya @Ashu :D
how are you ?
Good! School's basically over for the year \o/ How are you?
wow :D school almost over :D
we had to school all days no weekends :(
Wow, that sucks :/
11:50 AM
sunday was holiday :D :D
hahaha not all days
i m good thanks for asking
i just updated app with updated levels (new levels)
@YokaiTheMonster ^
12:03 PM
hahahainsane @AshuKumar here
@AshuKumar still you are not came in discord man huh
@InsaneCat how are you man
i'm fine dude ;)
@InsaneCat dude not getting much time
wht abt u huh?
@InsaneCat how is bhabhi :)
@InsaneCat i m good hhhhuhhhh
12:04 PM
@Zoe @AshuKumar have no much time to come there :P
@InsaneCat hahahaha
she is a fine dude @AshuKumar she is also doing a job man in bank :P
@InsaneCat LOL what u saying job man
u r really insane
correct it
@InsaneCat where is master goon? is he on date this much long time :D
@AshuKumar still banned
He's on the Discord server though
@jagapathi @YokaiTheMonster
@Zoe but is @YokaiTheMonster also ban?
12:08 PM
doesn't look like it
only 3 network rep though
but he is owner of this room so he can talk here
or else he got ban from his own room :D
i m making fun
sorry @YokaiTheMonster
You're still invited to join the Discord you know :D
stupid ashu
come there
send link again. wil use only chat is it okay ?
@InsaneCat hahaha man u still not corrected that line
@AshuKumar yeah :)
12:11 PM
MASTER waiting for u
@Zoe what is the progress man regarding my DP :P
@AshuKumar LeafVillageNinjaMaster?
@Zoe yeah
@InsaneCat Working out some anatomy issues, got the head more or less finished though
owwww ok ok
@AshuKumar LeafVillageNinjaMaster ?
@AshuKumar Cool, I gave you a role that gives you access to the entire server. It's all public though, but it gives some more access and stuff :D
12:23 PM
@Zoe thanks

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