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@imbAF actually, you should consider a probability distribution in phase space in the classical setting first. That will mislead you in a way that is helpful, which is always a rare situation.
@ACuriousMind hm but there existing a bijection is sort of meaningless, right? is it more important that we can actually construct the explicit bijection?
1 hour later…
if I have an entangled state $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\lvert 00\rangle + \lvert 11\rangle)$, then should I expect only subsystem 1 to contribute to the expectation value $\langle O \otimes \mathbb{I} \rangle$?
mathematically, the answer seems to be yes. I am trying to justify this conceptually.
I guess it is *strange* to me that information about the system is partitioned so nicely. In particular, say I perfectly repeatedly prepare the same bipartite system $\mathcal{H}_1 \otimes \mathcal{H}_2$ in an entangled state $\lvert \psi \rangle$ in the lab.

Then, I take *local* measurements on subsystem 1 to compute an expectation value $\langle O \otimes \mathbb{I} \rangle$. That $\langle O \otimes \mathbb{I} \rangle$ models the measurement statistics I take in the lab seems strange. In particular, there is seemingly no composite system information leaking into the data collected by my
It is not strange at all. The $\mathbb I$ part of $O\otimes\mathbb I$ is the reason why this works.
1 hour later…
Hello Everyone...
@SillyGoose who says we can't? Really in practice only one direction matters: We classify the linear reps of the universal cover by ordinary rep theory, and this then yields the projective reps by applying the projections to the projective space and the covered group.
But since we do QM usually on the linear space, anyway, even that isn't so relevant - what's relevant is knowing that we're not missing any additional projective reps that would come from non-trivial central extensions.
@123 hello
@ACuriousMind JFLSDFJDSLKFJDSK i just saw the actual charge amount for publishing a paper -- i see ur claims now better
god damn i thought it would be like 100$ or smth
3 hours later…
on the bright side, i just submitted my first paper!!
i am looking to learn about more models similar to the ising model, heisenberg model, and hubbard model. does anyone have suggestions for some canonical models to look into? also what subject matter would this be/what might i look into to learn more about things like this -- like baseline models to study simple features of atoms/atomic systems
2 hours later…
what is ur view on finding meaning in life? what does this mean?
1 hour later…
@Relativisticcucumber sounds like you're looking for an intro to condensed matter to me
it is really informative and reveals human greed related to eradicating diseases
7 hours later…
@DIRAC1930 there's a new video out
Going to watch it soon
@Relativisticcucumber For 1D models you might want to look into the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz
Also, this book is above my head at the moment but it's called Bosonization and Strongly Correlated Systems by A. O. Gogolin, Alexander A. Nersesyan, and Alexei Tsvelik
However, I'm not sure how relevant it is to your studies but it can provide useful inspiration

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