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1:53 AM
@ACuriousMind i am wondering what the "=" symbols mean in your statement
h o n k
2:44 AM
is this an appropriate definition of the schwinger boson representation of N spin-1/2 particles?
ok ok i think i actually found a use for schurs lemma based on a message i previously sent
i think it can be applied to label the spin irreps by their respective j value -- to make this associate i mean
because as i said before i discovered $S^2$ is an intertwiner
so there we go
twine? @Relativisticcucumber
@SillyGoose noOse
u be shanging
h o n k~
2:55 AM
new sound:
I see you going up
wait @SillyGoose theres a better hangman character
I see what goes up must come down?
@naturallyInconsistent the og harmonic oscillator: 上下
2:59 AM
@SillyGoose "=" means "is"
I usually cover Schrödinger's cat, the ammonia maser, with 上下
$\vert \psi \rangle = \vert 上 \rangle + \vert 下 \rangle $
3 hours later…
5:52 AM
@SillyGoose they're bijections (with all sides modulo isomorphisms of representations)
6:09 AM
oh i see okay
10 hours later…
3:46 PM
5 hours later…
8:56 PM
Can someone help me understand the introduction of probability distribution in the phase space. I was reading about the Wigner function and the following is said:
" The goal was to link the wavefunction that appears in Schrödinger's equation to a probability distribution in phase space."

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