At Wikipedia, for Perturbation theory the following is said:
If $|n\ragle$ is the perturbated state, then the following must hold $\langle n|n\rangle=1$. From this we have:
$\langle n^{(0)}|n^{(1)}\rangle + \langle n^{(1)}|n^{(0)}\rangle=0$
And then it says:
Since the overall phase is not determined in quantum mechanics, without loss of generality, in time-independent theory it can be assumed that $\langle n^{(0)}|n^{(1)}\rangle$ is purely real.Then:
$\langle n^{(0)}|n^{(1)}\rangle = \langle n^{(1)}|n^{(0)}\rangle=-\langle n^{(1)}|n^{(0)}\rangle$