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chrome is trolling me or something
it wants me to actually post it here
the url is not working for some reason
@AccidentalFourierTransform double click on the 430 in the chat message
there's probably a zero-width joiner in there
@ACuriousMind But, indeed, I do not need all the mathematics of homogeneous spaces. I need the relevance of quotient spaces with the subject of EFT and maybe something about equivalence classes... again, Leutwler- arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9406283
its not even that good of a meme
@AccidentalFourierTransform I agree with that
@AccidentalFourierTransform Do you have anything in mind?
I mean, its a classic
@ConstantineBlack memes-wise?
@AccidentalFourierTransform is it really, though?
SSB mathematics- wise :)
nah I hate SSB
so messy
I never learnt it properly
I wouldn't know where to learn it properly anyway
@AccidentalFourierTransform I'm going to hack into SE and insert zero-width joiners into 10% of all the links you've ever posted =P
Weinberg II perhaps
@EmilioPisanty ಠ_ಠ
turn them into invisible 404s
it would be so frustrating, not being able to share my memes
and that is probably what I get for harping on and on about unicode
your colours are wrong
the grey messages should be green and viceversa
your broke that too
@AccidentalFourierTransform yeah, I hacked SE earlier just to do that
so you are one of those hackers known as the 4chan?
which is why it'll be easy to 404 all the links you ever posted
no, wait, 10%
so it'll be more frustrating to clean up
@ConstantineBlack Looking at the passage you are talking about, could it be that you are looking for some basic group theory?
Because that reasoning doesn't really make use of any more advanced mathematics than the very definition of a quotient group and a representation.
ooooh, btw, now that we have core chat quorum
there is a typo on the second page
im not telling you where
@AccidentalFourierTransform is it a spurious zero-width joiner?
no, it's a big typo
@Accidental There is a disgusting S&M joke on the internet somewhere. I am not telling you where.
it changes the meaning of the phrase to nazi propaganda
@AccidentalFourierTransform ah, gotcha
@AccidentalFourierTransform thanks =)
a couple of months ago I uploaded my masters thesis to the arxiv and for weeks I got mails from random people telling me about their papers -- which were supposedly relevant but not really -- and suggesting me to cite them in future revisions
it was like wtf
its not like Im going to send the thesis to a journal
56 mins ago, by 0ßelö7
@yuggib I have a real Hilb sp. $\mathscr H$ and $H\ge 0$ is self-adjoint. I define $H^{1/2}$ using the functional calculus. Given $u\in D(H^{1/2})$ I want a sequence $(u_n)\subset D(H)$ such that $u_n \to u$ and $$\langle H^{1/2}u_n,H^{1/2}u_n\rangle\to \langle H^{1/2}u,H^{1/2}u\rangle.$$ This supposedly follows from "the spectral theorem" but I don't see what they mean
what would an arxiv cite be useful for?
@AccidentalFourierTransform google-scholar citation counts
and is that kind of self-publicity considered normal? or even ethical?
one of the reasons they tend to be higher than scopus or web of science
@AccidentalFourierTransform probably depends on the field
I've yet to be contacted over a preprint on arXiv
of any sort
but then my field doesn't do arXiv all that much
well, high energy physics does
@ACuriousMind I won't argue with that. But maybe my problem is on understanding the relevance of the quotient space with the pions or how do I reach the conclusion that the mapping f fixes the transformation properties uniquely or, under another phrasing why all the above give us the standard action of G on G/H. Any suggestions on reading or how these things are incorporated in the entire project?
@AccidentalFourierTransform you submitted to hep-th?
yeah, that'll probably get a much closer scrutiny
it feels weird anyway -- would you email someone to recommend them to read your papers, which may or may not be relevant to their work?
or even suggest them to cite them?
I didnt like it
I would never do that
@AccidentalFourierTransform that's what you say now
but then again, I would never publicise my work
and, as I learnt recently, I most definitely should
@AccidentalFourierTransform yeah. One of the toughest lessons to learn.
> The second regret is that I never gave a talk about the result: my shyness speaking about my work still lingered (I think that I rarely felt that my work was important enough). I was at a string meeting in downtown Santa Barbara around that time, and did not ask to speak.
When I told Michael Green about the result, he said I should have spoken. Indeed, the paper has received over 400 citations. But, like quite a few of my papers from that period (including the two with Jim and Jun), it got rather few at first, but then exploded after the second superstring revolution. Perhaps if I had bee
@AccidentalFourierTransform do you work on BMS?
whatever that is
from Polchinski's memories
@EmilioPisanty ?
@AccidentalFourierTransform as in, is your thesis on nonrelativistic BMS theories?
@EmilioPisanty I dont even know what that is lol
@AccidentalFourierTransform hmmmmm. or so you say
you found a thesis about that on the arxiv?
ACM already found out what my real name is
@AccidentalFourierTransform yes
Im the author of that Dirac delta paper
let me find it
Mar 16 at 18:30, by ACuriousMind
@AccidentalFourierTransform Suuuure, you don't remember. I'm on to you, Mr Morales!
@ACuriousMind So maybe to put it differently, where should I read about the entire use of quotient space in the context of ChPT or how we reach to the natural conclusion that this mapping fixes the transformation of the pions and that this mapping is simultaneously related to the quotient space and it' s geometry. Or did you have something else in mind when you mentioned EFT?
@AccidentalFourierTransform which Dirac delta paper?
is it stupid or is it genius
I really dont know
@AccidentalFourierTransform I find the claim dubious
@AccidentalFourierTransform 'cause none of those people look like they would leave cushy positions in UCLA to do a master's degree in Barcelona
:39856203 indeed I don't
but given your comments on thesises above, I'm putting my money here
in which case
perhaps I made the Barcelona thing up
green links? seriously?
oh, the references
oh yes that's me
@AccidentalFourierTransform ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
$$\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x)\,\mathrm dx=2\pi\delta(i\partial_\epsilon)f(\epsilon)$$
oh boy
god that's horrifying
it's science
it's art
it's everything
@ConstantineBlack I don't have a particular reference in mind because I'm not sure what exactly you're lacking to understand the argument. The paper is saying that there is some (non-linear!) transformation of the pion field under the symmetry $\pi \mapsto f(g,\pi)$ under an element $g\in G$ that obeys the group composition law $f(g_1,f(g_2,\pi)) = f(g_1g_2,\pi)$.
Since the symmetry $H\subset G$ is unbroken, we must have that $f(h,\pi) = \pi$ for all $h\in H$. So if $g_2 = g_1 h$, then $f(g_2,\pi) = f(g_1h,\pi)$. By definition, functions that only care about elements in $G$ "up to $H$" in this manner are functions on $G/H$, so $f$ is a function on $G/H$, and $gH\mapsto f(g,0)$ is an invertible mapping of $G/H$ onto the space in which $\pi$ takes values.
what's $f(\epsilon)$? at least tell me that it's been fourier-transformed or something
If every point of that space is reachable by a transformation of $0$ (hidden assumption, originates from the $\pi$ being perturbations about the vacuum that corresponds to $\pi = 0$), then this means that space actually is $G/H$.
@ACuriousMind thoughts on the arXiv link just below the latest image?
@EmilioPisanty What sort of thoughts? Should I read it?
@ACuriousMind regarding authorship, cf. the preceding conversation
@ACuriousMind you've read it already
we discussed it long ago
@EmilioPisanty It could well be AFT
@ACuriousMind fair enough
mostly, it's just to continue using 'they' but feel less bad if I slip
@AccidentalFourierTransform I have?
My mind must be slipping
@EmilioPisanty Major supporting evidence:
Feb 3 at 18:07, by AccidentalFourierTransform
@vzn hi. To be honest, Im not really sure what my thesis is about :-P something about the symmetries of asymptotically flat spaces (BMS symmetry). Right now, all Im doing is playing around with the spherical harmonics in 4d
@ACuriousMind yeah, that's pretty much a deal sealer
25 mins ago, by AccidentalFourierTransform
@EmilioPisanty I dont even know what that is lol
now, be a good moderator and delete those messages, will you?
@AccidentalFourierTransform Why? It's all public information.
it contains sensitive information
its your responsability
also, because we are friends
@AccidentalFourierTransform none of it'll come up in searches
and no one'll come looking
::takes screenshot::
we can just bury it in memes and no one will be the wiser
apart from skullpatrol, of course
but you never know
we can incorporate the sensitive information in the memes
just ramp up the memes
then it'll never die da ba dee da ba die
I request for the witness protection programme
Request denied
@ACuriousMind just delete two or three, the important ones
I fear for my life
you wouldnt understand it
He deleted "skullpatrol is fine"?
wow, I'm impressed
all that trouble to ZWJ-up that url, and imgur just says "meh"?
@EmilioPisanty thug life, right there
@Sid I was trying to insert a zero-width joiner into that url so it would look valid but flop when machine inspected
but apparently imgur is too clever for me
and/or the SE chat engine
@AccidentalFourierTransform me too. I've almost found ACM too (not sure though)
oh no now Mostafa knows too
@lılostafa I found ACM out at some point but the answer was relatively boring and I forgot
I'll probably forget AFT at some point, too
@EmilioPisanty gonna spot ACM soon ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
@AccidentalFourierTransform I found you on Twitter
Lemme follow you :P
@Blue You are stalking people?! :o
@Sid Of course ;)
@Sid stalking is the only real use of social media like FB and Instagram as far as I know
@lılostafa I don't disagree with that
Meh. His profile is pretty boring
I thought it would be flooded with -+++ memes
@AccidentalFourierTransform you play for Achirense?
if so, you have at least one very dedicated fan
@AccidentalFourierTransform did you delete "skullpatrol is fine"?
@Blue I'm pretty sure you haven't
@AccidentalFourierTransform when's the last time you googled yourself?
@EmilioPisanty I will never forget him
Best check: try stalking yourself
@lılostafa DELETE THIS
who starred that?
stars are not gonna help, people
please stop
it's not that I really care, but at this point it's making me kinda uncomfortable
@lılostafa This is quality humor.
@Blue (more to the point, if said twitter feed is full of the words boludo, remera, seguinos, hacé, agarrame, then that person isn't from Spain)
@EmilioPisanty Ah, it doesn't seem the person I found on twitter is from Spain
But the name matches completely
IIRC, I never used my real name on twitter
@Blue that would be a match to the person who plays for Achirense
@AccidentalFourierTransform there's a person who does, though =P
AFT is fooling us :P
there is a person who does use their real name on twitter?
I bet so :-P
@AccidentalFourierTransform OK, sorry. someone flag that. It's too late for me to delete it myself
@AccidentalFourierTransform Yes, this Morales guy
more importantly there is a person who does use your real name on twitter
@AccidentalFourierTransform Donald J Trump. :P
@realDonaldTrump, Washington, DC
45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸
35.7k tweets, 37674k followers, following 45 users
ok you got me, I'm Trump
If Trump knew physics and math......
@Accidental Good tweet.
thanks, I made it myself
@BalarkaSen WTH is this real?
@lılostafa The wonderful power of Photoshop
@AccidentalFourierTransform did you delete it?
lol no it's a meme by grandayy
@skullpatrol yes, because it got a star
you can see his face on the "tweet your reply" section
and the watermark
I didnt want no traces to this conversation
I expected it to get buried
too late for that anyway
but you are fine anyway :-P
@AccidentalFourierTransform wow, your footballing, argentinian namesake really does play in the middle of nowhere
^ that there is their stadium
no, you got it wrong, I am the football player
:: kicks ball into the thing with the net ::
well, then, bejeesus, that really is in the middle of nowhere
about the best I can think to say about it is that it is less than four hours' drive away from Buenos Aires
Four hours through the jungle?
@skullpatrol no, four hours through the pampa, just interminable fields with cows in them
boringest drive possible
I once took a bus from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata and it was brain-crushingly boring
\o @yuggib
@skullpatrol o/
@0ßelö7 Since $H$ is a closed operator, by spectral theorem $H^{1/2}$ is closed as well, and $D(H)$ is a core of $H^{1/2}$. Therefore you can always find such a sequence by definition of closed operator ($H^{1/2}$ in this case)
Hi, by the way, how are you?
@EmilioPisanty nice, you could watch your dog run away for days :P
@skullpatrol yeah.
Argentina is huge
or as AFT would say, yyyyuuuuuuge =P
Good place to use auto-pilot and go off to sleep :P
@Blue I wouldn't really class the argentinian pampas as good places to die
Okay y'all probably will count this as a stupid question (as do I) but I just want a quick check soooo does $\frac{dx}{dt}\frac{dx}{dt} = \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}$
Cause I'm soooo verging on no rn
the first one is the velocity squared
the second one is the acceleration
It seemed wrong cause $v^2\neq a$
just wolfram alpha said it is but maybe it took the input wrong cause I didn't really check lol
Guys if I'm evaluating the space-time interval as $$\Delta s=\int_0^{50}\sqrt{\eta_{\mu\nu}\frac{dx^\mu}{d\lambda}\frac{dx^\nu}{d\lambda}}d‌​\lambda$$ do I take $c=1$ or $c=299792458ms^{-1}$?
aren't you missing the units on the second one?
yeah apologies
edited :p
ok, so there is no "or" there
the two expressions are equivalent, and true at the same time
Doesn't it drastically change $\Delta s$?
$c=1=299792458\ \mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}$
Oh right
you cannot change anything by using some units over others
the world is independent of your choice of units
That's kind of it <3
I'ma go with one then
make life easy
ask yourself the following question instead: dies $\Delta s$ depend on whether I use $299792458\ \mathrm{m\,s^{-1}}$ or $c=186282\,\mathrm{ mi\,s^{-1}}$?
of course, it does not
so when c=1 $\Delta s$ will be in units of light-seconds?
¡when $c=1$, $\Delta s$ will be in whatever units $x$ is
which could be literally anything
for example, meters
thanks :p
Slowly tryna get my head around it...
yeah, it takes time :-P
(or space, y'know)
Maaaad bants
Guys I don't wish to post a looong 'check my work' style question but it's the first one I've done and I kinda made up the parameters so what should I do? Or just ask a teacher to check it over some time later if it's really unacceptable here...
by first one I've done I mean first question of that style
@yuggib Ahhhh, because $x\mapsto\sqrt x$ is real (ignoring $x<0$), $H^{1/2}$ is s.a., hence closed?
I'm not sure how to show that $D(H)$ is a core of $H^{1/2}$ though.
@yuggib According to Kato, that means there is a closable operator $A$ on $D(H)$ such that $\bar A=H^{1/2}$.
Lattices in dimensions 8n?
@yuggib I have wondered about how $D(f(A))$ is related to $D(A)$ and I never got a straight answer
@HDE226868 Are you sure your astro professor isn't @dmckee himself?
@lılostafa different schools
@0ßelö7 Are you sure?
@yuggib I'm pretty good, how are you? we have two new geometric analysis faculty and are getting a seminar going. I'm going to present some summer research and hopefully some of my work on regularity theory/Sobolev spaces on $\partial$-manifolds
From their profiles we know that HDE226868 is at Swarthmore College, but are sure it's not the same place as Duchy of Grand Fenwick where dmckee is located?
that place is made up
dmckee is at a different school
trust me
OK then.
@0ßelö7 Yes it is s.a. and hence closed. The relation between $D(f(A))$ and $D(A)$ is also part of spectral theorem, it is probably discussed at length in e.g. Weidmann's book.
@0ßelö7 I am fine, a lot of work lately, but apart from that I can't complain
@yuggib "Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces?"
@lılostafa Where's @HDE226868 going? Maybe I'd like to be a prof there.
@dmckee Swarthmore
I thought you were selling your soul to the GDP :P
Perhaps I should talk to them. We haven't had the signing ceremony on the soul deal yet...
But it's so bad I'm planning to apply to Rand.
@dmckee Ayn?
No Rand Corporation. The think tank.
When cosmic afterpulsing are dominating your rate T.T
@0ßelö7 yes
@yuggib I am discovering that there's an $L^2$ spectral theorem that gives a finite measure. I only knew it for sigma-finite. That changes things.
Right, Conway only proves the existence of a sigma-finite space. This seems suspicious.
so @GPhys you mentioned CERN once, are you doing something there?
@yuggib Ok, here's my proof: From Davies Spectral Theory and Diff Ops, we have Thm 4.3.4 which says that $f\in D(H)$ iff $f\in D(H^\lambda)$ and $H^\lambda f\in D(H^{1-\lambda})$ for any $\lambda\in(0,1)$. Note that this implies that $D(H^{1/2}H^{1/2})=D(H)$. Now we apply Thm 5.39 in Weidmann, which says that $D(A^*A)$ is a core for $A$ when $A$ is densely defined and closed. But that's true for $A=H^{1/2}$ and it is s.a. so $(H^{1/2})^*=H^{1/2}$, QED.
@BalarkaSen hola
@dmckee Please tell me you're here and know how to use CMake
@BernardoMeurer I need a new avatar
@0ßelö7 I'm trying to compile OpenCV with proprietary malware support right now
It's a mess
@yuggib Oh, and Kato, p. 275. Kato has everything, damn...
Hey guys. I'd like to make a very quick question! Maxwell's Relations in thermodynamics help us calculate how quantities that we cannot directly measure change in respect to a parameter, by measuring how measurable quantities change in respect to another parameter. Now when it come to megnetic phenomena, what are the measurable and what are the immeasurable quantities.
@EmilioPisanty congratulations on the new paper!
Q: Adding Library to CMake on CLI

Bernardo MeurerI'm trying to build OpenCV with CUDA support using Arch Linux's AUR. In their build configuration some options are passed to CMake, I have modified those to add CUDA features. Upon attempting compilation I get the following error: [ 10%] Built target pch_Generate_opencv_reg In file included from...

Gib votes
@dmckee I don't think we have a particle physicist on staff yet Not one with an experimental background, at least (I think).
@BernardoMeurer if you suggest a good avatar
@0ßelö7 Yatchy
Steve from minecraft

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