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12:01 AM
Wilson score will be live soon
Just waiting for deploy
1:06 AM
+1/-1 answer is ranked higher than +2/-2
@Mego btw can we get answer permalinks e.g. /post/:id?a=45 will automatically load the page with answer 45
because right now the provided page number also has to be correct
Computing the right page number will be hard but I can try
Ok not hard but tedious
2:47 AM
@Mego if I have a User object how do I get the first login?
userObj.logins.order_by wouldn't work I dont' think
I love the "what's new on Axtell" sidebar
Pretty but out of the way unlike, say, Discord's popups
btw @Mego will changing the Logins relationship to User to lazy='dynamic' break anything
@Downgoat I don't think so
You could just explicitly set the order_by on the relationship, since the order doesn't really matter elsewhere
3:07 AM
doing user = db.relationship('User', backref='logins', order_by='time desc', lazy=True) seems to throw an error 't proceed with initialization of other mappers. Triggering mapper: 'Mapper|Login|logins'. Original exception was: unexpected EOF while parsing
Should be order_by='desc(Login.time)' I think
there we go
2 hours later…
5:28 AM
axtell goat is now baby goat because baby goat is more likable
6:27 AM
point graph rn is a random fake graph
posted on July 18, 2018 by vihanb

Reaaallllllyyyyy basic profile page. This is just a skeleton for later. When we add points, etc. we'll be able actually show useful information here. Note: what is needed is an 'activity feed' backend which gets the interesting posts/answers/comments/golfs by a user and organizes them in a meaningful manner. Hopefully in the future we'll be able to merge ones profile page wit

12 hours later…
6:54 PM
Can we link to comments?
Or answers?
@Oliver soon
@Downgoat did you draw this goat
@quartata if by draw you mean Adobe Illustrator’d
what makes you think that's not drawing
I have had an instance where for an English project I was told to “draw” pictures but when I did on illustrator I got a 0 :(
7:06 PM
why do you need to draw in English
I would have failed all my lit classes
@quartata good question
and why would they want it drawn by hand
did you appeal
@quartata there wasn’t an appeal process at my school unfortunately
do any schools have an appeal process? haha. I would just go yell at the professor/teacher after class
@Poke if it affected final grade, sure
Anyways I have concerns that goat is going to kill us all
7:26 PM
I trust Downgoat to not kill us but that's about it :]
it eats grass and then breathes acid
none will be safe
8:08 PM
@quartata im not marky
3 hours later…
11:28 PM
@quartata This is why I'm constantly anxious - he has sudo access on Axtell's droplet

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