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12:22 AM
good news: profile settings are working
I am going to try to work on some animations
@Mego btw are we making sure duplicate emails don't exist?
@Downgoat I think it wouldn't be a problem. There are legitimate reasons to have a sock account, you could prevent voting on posts created by an account with the same email.
1:03 AM
@Downgoat We shouldn’t allow whatever we’re going to use to signify modship/adminship, and 40 should be plenty
@Downgoat Like Pavel said - there’s not much of a benefit, since making a new email account takes about 30 seconds anyway
1:44 AM
Quick mockup, but how is something like this for a basic user profile page:
totally not made in ms paint
I like it
Make sure to make it look exactly like that
@Mego something like a "Challenge of the day" and maybe 3 "answers of the day" shown on the homepage would be great to create a feed-like thing on the homepage
that would make sure people keep coming back to the site to see the new content
I guess challenge of the day would be the challenge posted on the previous UTC day with the highest total vote score (and likewise for answers, but with code score instead of vote score)?
@Mego Maybe I'll make a MS Paint theme later :P
1:57 AM
MS Paint theme and hotdog theme plz
@Mego do you have usage rights to the penguin in your avatar
Yes, it's public domain
in that case, do you have a high-res version of it?
Maybe, lemme look
2:08 AM
hm, ok now to integrate penguin into icons...
2:20 AM
Uppeng and downpeng
btw any ideas for rewards we can offer for reaching certain goals? (not like privileges)
specifically rewards that grant the user the ability to do new things
maybe for error messages there can be penguin
2:59 AM
I am going to make a new penguin that I'll have a little more control over but it'll still be a penguin
@Downgoat Maybe unlock new themes?
oh that is good idea
should the penguin of PPCG-v2 be like emporor penguin or like african penguin?
please excuse spelling >_<
Little penguins (aka blue penguins)
3:30 AM
Should I make the whole head blue then?
white part should be on bottom
@Downgoat That is a monstrosity
Looks like it has a bowling pin covering its face
@quartata Exactly
It needs a beak
And a smoother back of the head
3:43 AM
Or just remove the top circle and stick a beak on the main part for a chibi-style penguin
4:17 AM
@Mego also eyes :P
4:35 AM
@Downgoat I mean I guess :P
4:58 AM
;_; idk how to make penguin not look dead
I like it
Idea: seasonal themes (penguins and snowmen for winter, etc.)
oh thats good idea
5:23 AM
I'll try to integrate this background across the site without it being too noisy sometime later next week
and I can penguin-theme the icons too maybe
Another fantastic idea (this time from my wife): mascots
That can be the Programming Penguin, and we'll need a Code Goat
And they can appear in all of the themes we make
@Mego on it
Also we should probably come up with a real name at some point
5:26 AM
how about Velma or Karoo
Velma is Scooby Doo :P Why Karoo?
idk penguin names from my local zoo :P
Karoo is a desert in southern Africa
Idea for a name of something: goato
(pronounced like goto)
5:42 AM
Ok so I'm looking through Django's DB migration stuff and I'm slightly regretting the decision to use Flask+SQLAlchemy
5:58 AM
But then I look at how heavy Django is and I regret the decision less
6:39 AM
in The Nineteenth Byte, 24 mins ago, by DLosc
CMP: What do you think of having a "language of the week" type event? We'd nominate a different language each time; participants would learn it (if they don't know it already), answer questions in it, try to outgolf each other, and discuss it in chat. (The time period could be more than a week if that's not long enough.)
We should totally implement this later
@Mego oh that's a cool idea
would both help new langs get exposure and increase the language diversity on the site
@Mego btw PR for user options is ready to merge: github.com/PPCG-v2/PPCG-v2/pull/96
no custom avatars yet though
Can you add a field for entering an image URL for setting avatar?
oh ok yeah
The backend is in place for uploading image URLs
6:46 AM
Adding custom images isn't a huge priority, since users can just upload them somewhere and use the URL
7:03 AM
@Mego OK updated with a new 'Avatar URL' field
2 hours later…
9:22 AM
@Downgoat Merged
@Mego Internal Server Error again
@Mr.Xcoder Fixed. Forgot to update config :P
RIP giant penguin 2017-2018 you will be missed
9:43 AM
ಠ_ಠ View Profile -> Mr. Xcoder (you) :/
2 hours later…
11:34 AM
Why is upvote/downvote = like/dislike?
... double scroll bar?
(when I expand the leaderboard)
@Downgoat is the frontend person
12:04 PM
I think the byte counter is completely borked. I posted two ASCII-only solutions that are 100% 49 bytes, and the byte counter says they're 53.
@Mego The two triangularity answers to "Hello, World!"
Looks like the leaderboard still isn't sorting correctly
@Mr.Xcoder ...I bet it's counting carriage returns
12:07 PM
Wut... >_<
Both have 4 line breaks and are 4 bytes over the actual count
y tho
I don't know why there would be CRLFs
I'll have to investigate
wait trying again
1) I am copying it directly from Tio and posting. 2) I am writing it there directly. Let's see what results I get (will post on the avocado challenge I think)
12:09 PM
@Downgoat Would the text fields for code be changing LFs to CRLFs?
Copying it from TiO yielded 53 bytes
Writing it by hand there gives 53 bytes too.
So most likely LF->CRLF is caused by the text fields
In the db: .... ....\r\n..."!"...\r\n.."rld"..\r\n."o, Wo".\r\n"Hell"+++
So yep
I'll try posting a single newline to see what happens :P
Opened #97
12:15 PM
Yeah a single newline is counted as 2 bytes
4 hours later…
4:21 PM
(I'm Kritixi) for some reason I can't log in, clicking on "log in", and then on "sign in with google" and choosing the user does nothing, refreshing afterwards still does not log me in
the browser is firefox 57
1 hour later…
5:48 PM
@Sock can you paste output of ErrorManager.dump() here
2 hours later…
8:06 PM
@ATaco do oyu have a logo for Fnky?
For the homepage I'm thinking of two states: for logged in users we can show an activity feed, and if not we can show some fancy graphics with a See Challenges and Get Started buttons
8:21 PM
@Downgoat nope, I can’t art.
8:53 PM
@ATaco name a color
9:09 PM
Sky blue
9:28 PM
ok brb

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