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5:37 AM
This room is for recommending books for science, rather than asking them on the main site.
The previous room was frozen for inactivity.
While giving recommendations, please say what you like about the book specifically.
While asking for Recommendations, please mention the standard of book you want.
Please respect the Be Nice policy of SE.
Thanks for visiting here. Hope we're able to solve your requirements.
Please PING ME if you come here.
2 hours later…
8:12 AM
@Blue welcome to this new room.
Can you recommend some good books on Higgs Field?
2 hours later…
10:03 AM
@WrichikBasu Oops, I'm not the right person to ask these things :P
dmckee is the particle physics guy (in hbar)
Ask him
@Blue well, I'll ping him here.
@dmckee Can you recommend some good books on Higgs Field?
3 hours later…
1:36 PM
@dmckee I need some good books on Higgs Filed. Please note that I'm a starter with all these, and I know till single variable calculus.
In case of any more demanding maths, I'll be happy to do it. :-)
room topic changed to Book Recommendations on Science: This room is for recommending books for science, rather than asking them on the main site. Books are great possible sources of knowledge, and knowledge us the last aim of life. (no tags)
6 hours later…
7:32 PM
room topic changed to Book Recommendations on Science: A place where people and students from all levels of education can ask for and get recommendations of books in Science subjects. [resource-recommendations]

  last day (81 days later) »