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Q: Find the lightnovel from what i remember

SearchingSo there are a few events I remember I being the male mc killing the wife's nanny who is currently her maid whom she trusted and he is misunderstood later it's proven that he did it because she tried to poison the wife similar other events where mc kills people to keep wife safe happens but he is...

3 hours later…
Q: A supernatural fantasy martial arts comic where a young man meditates and wakes up on an Earth with monsters and gods

Vishwesh Badola3 I read this comic almost 2 to 3 years ago. I believe this comic was full colour. A young man starts to meditate. When he wakes up from meditation, he finds that the whole Earth has changed and the area he is in has monsters roaming around. There are gods and goddesses (maybe Chinese or Japanese...

6 hours later…
@Gao there is a reply now.
A: What is "Answer Bot" and what is it doing?

PhilippeWe’re working on an experiment to explore if/how Large Language Model (LLM) integration can support the human-curated knowledge repositories on Stack Exchange, in this case specifically around answers. The experiment, called “Answer Assistant” for now, is in its early stages, and we’ve been talki...

I'll let the votes speak for me.
4 hours later…
I'm pretty sure "the scenarios where this might provide value." that the interested parties see will be very different from mine.
Looks like in the future people will again reach for printed books and touch grass to socialize face-to-face.
What anyone type onto the web browser has potential to be overwritten or censored in a way that may not be immediately obvious.
Either that or get outright drowned by an army of bots.
The internet is dead.
Spam bots have won.

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