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@SPArcheon-onstrike What a weird design change. Reminds me of the YuGiOh censorships. Like robbing people with airguns, being banished to the shadow realm, just putting a onesie under female character's clothes.
@Peilonrayz As I said, I am not even mad about the censorship by itself.
I am mad that the edit look stupid (really, just go Saint Seiya) and that they changed the game just after Toriyama died.
As long as he was still alive apparently the game was loyal to the original art he made. As soon as he was out of the picture they jumped in and censored the character like every other game where he was not directly involved.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Agreed, for example the Fortune Lady cards could have just not had an ugly onesie and had the clothes extended. Just silly censorship.
@Peilonrayz If my memory serves I didn't post the changes to the mage class outfit right?
I don't think so
They censored the cross on the Priest class outfit
we are basically back to the 90' when Nintendo of America censored things like the crucifix in Castlevania (a game about vampires...)
Note that in a funny twist that I hope is the finger of some upset developer they changed the cross to... A FORK.
So, to cover a symbol of Christianity (because no one else uses crosses) they actually went to something... usually associated with the devil.
Reminds me of the grafitti in Stellar Blade.
Does the Priest only do water magic? Because changing from a cross to a trident could make sense... but I don't think the priest will have no healing spells and only water ones.
Mostly non elemental holy style magic...
Ah yes... makes no sense
Apparently religious symbol = offensive
now, If some idiot told me to do that, I would have gone out of spite to ask the ICRC for their blessing to turn the dress white with a red cross.
Call "you can't have religious symbols in a game" on me then...
"Dear International Committee of the Red Cross,
some idiots asked me to change the cross on an HEALER class in a game to a fork because they think that using religious symbols in a game is offensive and obviously only Christianity can use crosses on their clothes. Could you please allow me to use the official "red cross on white background" design just for the pleasure of silencing these pathetic fake do-good?"
I guess that none of these totally unbiased folks had something to say about Warren Worthington III? You know... that character from Marvel that calls himself ANGEL?

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