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@Peilonrayz Expected to see Ginko or Morala in the background at some point.
@SPArcheon-onstrike I don't remember the names from MHA
@Peilonrayz Not from MHA
Ah I'm not sure I know the characters
also, my bad
It is Giko. Not GiNko
some years ago it became so viral you simply HAD to stumble on it.
Later, West discoverd it was the usual byproduct of some japanese image board channel.
the music is quite catchy.
But I would advise staying away from the sources.
Oh I've never come across the characters... searching for the characters individually seems to come back with not what you are referencing too... :(
As I said, just byproduct of the questionable mess of the various imageboard. Not an expert - I stay away from those.
But the resulting fan animations became quite popular.
Ahhh, ty
I prefer Kaizo Trap to be honest.
And this should be totally original and unrelated to any chatboard.
Also, how to tell EU to [redacted] without saying it.
"only US"
International food chain.
Well, I guess it spares EU player the annoyance to have to buy the "food" just to get the items and then throw away the burger...
Furthermore, they were desperate enough to require you to make a McDonald account to get the items.
Not even someone as bad as Gamestop ever managed this.
To get giveaway pokemon codes you just had to go to the shop and not even purchase anything.
Here you need the purchase - fine I guess - AND an account.
@Peilonrayz they are known as 2ch AA cats
@AndrewT. Less focus on the source, more focus on the catchy song.
just old internet viral videos.
See all old viral youtube sale bin.
Hatten Ar Din comes to mind too.
the Macros Nyan Nyan dance was pretty popular too.
you could start a separate room if you wanted.
"Museum of old web idiocy"
Q: ending anime corpse party

starlight zerodi salah satu episode anime corpse party di jelaskan bahwa orang yang sudah meninggal di dimensi sachiko, makan akan terhapus keberadaannya di dunia nyata. pertanyaannya: pada akhir epsd saat ibunya noumi menelpon dokter, ibunya berkata bahwa noumi terus saja mengatakan temanya. siapa teman yang ...

@SPArcheon-onstrike Reminds me of the Fancy Pants game
@Peilonrayz it totally references the Fancy Pants flash games.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Eh, games always tell the EU to go [redact] themselves. I remember playing Pokemon and YuGiOh as a kid and everything was US/Japan only
@Peilonrayz Still quite salty....
Give me a HD remake of this one little gem...
@AndrewT. ty, I think I've seen Mona and Giko ascii art before (ok not actually ascii) but didn't know the reference
and let Level 7 do the honors so it look like an animated movie Ni No Kuni style
@SPArcheon-onstrike I've not seen the Nyan cat in a while XD
@Peilonrayz I get you didn't play Goat Simulator 3...
@SPArcheon-onstrike Kinda looks familiar but I can't really put the name on the character. What's the character from?
@Peilonrayz You probably recognize the generic World Masterpiece Theater / Ghibli art style.
I sincerely doubt you have ever even heard about Wonder Project J and it sequel WP J2
give your regards to Squaresoft for killing of most of the old Enix franchises and letting them rot after buying off the company to shut down the competition
No more Guru Guru, no more Illusion of Gaia / Terranigma (those are connected), E.V.O....
no, please buy the tenth port of FF4
the fact that the changes involve censoring the original designs made by Akira Toriyama which just recently passed away is just adding fuel to the fire.
It is worth noticing that the initial trailer from 3 years ago used the original designs
Trad: they didn't even had the courage to show off the changes when Toriyama was still alive.
Suddenly I don't want a Chrono Trigger remake anymore.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Turns out you are right about both...
@SPArcheon-onstrike Ah the OG Skyrim
Said it already somewhere else.
You have to censor the "Rebecca style" armor. Fine. I don't really care.
But then try to make the edit look good.
just change the loincloth to a armored skirt - the ones so common in Saint Seiya cloths.
I would have been perfectly fine with something line Sho

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