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Q: Legality of Purchasing Uncensored International Versions of Adult Games While Residing in Japan

illigariumI have recently moved to Japan and understand that adult games and other adult content must be censored by law when sold in Japan. I am interested in purchasing international versions of such content without censorship, for example from JAST USA. My question is: am I legally allowed to purchase a...

6 hours later…
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Why garage kits that I can't buy continue to haunt me!!!
Damn some nice kits ;_;
@SPArcheon-onstrike Can confirm. I was a child... I did like the song...
@Peilonrayz I would love to be able to buy the Friezanya
I don't think you've linked the Friezanya? (I presume: Freezer + Anya kit)
I did some months ago. Anyway, here she is
this is simply perfect.
Hmm, I probably had forgotten the picture. My bad :)
And that alternate face...
@Peilonrayz don't worry.
same studio, still Anya...
but really, there are so many incredible garage kits that are far superior to any licensed product.
Take this Gol D. Roger...
one of the most iconic scenes.
Only exists as a GK
or this Zelda...
@SPArcheon-onstrike Such a shame protecting the holder of a copyright can harm the fans of the copyright :/ But c'est la vie
@Peilonrayz My bad there. While it is true that many GK are indeed unlicensed, many either fall under the same Japanese gentleman agreements that protects Doujinshi or even have small licenses that just cover selling them at some anime conventions (read: it is always them - Comiket)
So, unless you go poking the wrong beehive you generally are fine and the original authors even see that as "free advertisement"
The issue is that either you live in Japan / Asia and can go to some big event like the aforementioned Comiket...
or there is no way to get garage kit from the "Big" well know and trusted sites.
Sites like AmiAmi do not sell garage kits.
Amazon JP lists SOME but they are a) utterly overpriced, b) usually listed 9-12 months in advance (so preorder now and maybe get something in a year) and c) sold by the usual zero review Chinese reseller.
Another issue is that as weird as it may sound...
Garage kit also have bootleg issues. Unlicensed figures still have bootleg copies.

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