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Q: Who does Porco actually love? Gina or Fio?

Luke LI've just watched Porco Rosso (studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki). The whole film was just super good, but I had some trouble figuring out about the romance part of the film. At the start, it seems like Porco likes Gina and vice versa. However, after the introduction of Fio Piccolo as Por...

10 hours later…
Q: I am trying to find a manwha I read about 1-2 years ago

Muhammad Ahsan AbrarIt is about a guy that was i think a loser/boring in school and ohe became famous online by dancing and using dilters to make himself look better. Somthing happened and he had a fight and he won but he had al lot of enimies now because the school is fully controlled by "fighters" and even has lik...

1 hour later…
Q: A male furry prevented a male student from jump down onto a train track, and ending up the boy also help the furry from depression

JustATreeThis is a short manga (one-shot) about a male Furry (drawn in his 30s I think) helped a boy (a human). The Furry took Anti-depresen pills until he ran out and decided to end his own life similar to how the boy almost end his own life, the boy stopped the furry and sayed I've Pharapased but it sho...

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