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Q: Which football player inspired the creation of Captain Tsubasa?

PabloFormerly, I've read stories that it was Maradona in the 1979 Youth World Cup, which inspired Yōichi Takahashi to create Captain Tsubasa. But recently, a TikTok video appeared stating that it was Mario Kempes in the 1978 World Cup who did, that Yōichi Takahashi wondered who that player was and how...

Q: Is it true that Captain Tsubasa made football popular in Japan?

PabloSo I've heard that Captain Tsubasa made football popular in Japan. Until the late 90's, Japan wasnt good at football, but later it was youth world sub champion, many japanese players are playing in Europe specially in Germany, you see actually skilled japanese players like there wasnt in the past...

6 hours later…
Q: "とくてい" (or どくてい) meaning "doxxing"? (modern internet lingo)

chausiesIn Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai, everyone is (in my eyes @.@) a bunch of zoomers/gen alpha with brainrot that are trying to become influencers, and use a bunch of unfamiliar new internet slang >.<. (In my day, インフルエンザ was a disease, and now インフルエンサー is the dream job of all kids xP). Anyways, my boo...

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