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why clow cards under x card
@SPArcheon also both have potentially yuri crushes
@SeptianPrimadewa because some aren't all that obvious
like i can say Create is generally associated with Light (Light of Creation), the others would be a bit harder and would require a bit more research into what they do and their names to find commonality with Light
@Memor-X I am afraid to ask you what Zelda's "potentially yuri crush" is
I was expecting something more like
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon that could work too
but considering the Zelda in the image you previous posted was BotW/TotK Zelda, more fitting
2 hours later…
Q: Why are these Clow Cards under the Dark Card?

HenkyoHmmmm..... Aside the Dream Card, the Silent Card, and the Sleep Card, why are these Clow Cards (on the list below) under the Dark Card? List: Change Card Erase Card Illusion Card Time Card https://ccsakura.fandom.com/wiki/Clow_Cards I can definitely see and understand how the Dream Card, the Si...

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