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2:26 PM
@Gao all 3 weren't in the PATH variable were they
2:44 PM
@Memor-X they were, and even if they weren't, specifying PATH once should be enough since all 3 are in the same location
this issue is the closest to my observation of the problem: github.com/node-gradle/gradle-node-plugin/issues/152
btw i think windows terminal used to not update environment variables as well, but that sync issue should have been fixed ages ago
so many bugs, ughh...
today i tried here string in powershell and it didn't work for some reason
has @"..."@ been removed?
3:38 PM
@Gao never seen @"..."@ used in powershell
didn't think @ was even a valid syntax
1 hour later…
4:46 PM
^It works now @@ i might have typed it as "@...@", dunno

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