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8:21 AM
Q: Why do Satsuki and Mei hide when they think they see a policeman?

DLoscAt the beginning of My Neighbor Totoro, the family are driving when Satsuki sees a man up ahead riding a bicycle and wearing a blue outfit. With some urgency, she tells Mei to hide. After they pass him, Satsuki realizes (according to the English subtitles), "It wasn't a policeman," and the girls ...

2 hours later…
10:46 AM
Q: Does an immortal Saiyan still get Zenkai Boosts?

John DemetriouZenkai as an ability is a genetic trait that allows a Saiyan's power to increase substantially after recovering from near fatal injuries. But, if a saiyan is immortal, if they get beaten up so bad, do they still get the boost?

5 hours later…
3:52 PM
Mar 19 at 9:54, by Gao
Great, I have a script that works in all 3 consoles (cmd, powershell and pwsh) and in the VS Code terminals, but not when run from Windows Terminal or the task scheduler
^solved this problem finally
I had to specify node path (via PATH environment variable), npm path and npx path separately. It might be a bug in the gradle plugin, or a different behavior in JDK 21. I also found out that running gradle without daemon seems to prevent unresponsiveness.
And also acquired more wtfs writing with asciidoctor
A decent productive day

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