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I did read the first few chapters, and I think it's considerably funny (albeit with discretion warning) and... maybe tamer than the anime?
That said, I only know the anime from my glorious Twitter X's timeline...
3 hours later…
Q: Looking for manga (propably isekai) i read few years ago

Just another Dudę fantasy fanI remember one part from that manga, basicly protagonist went to demi human village (I can't remember the reasone, but i think it's something about trading). Im this village people were half human half Animals, cats i think, and they never Had white hair. In that village protag finds a girl that ...

2 hours later…
@AndrewT. I guess some may find sadism funny?
@SPArcheon not the sadism itself, but the "gap moe" of the protagonist, I guess.
6 hours later…
Genshin 4.6 in a nutshel:
Idiots: Please Arlecchino come home!
Me and the rest of the people who actually play the story: I will gladly make you pay for how you scared Furina.
6 hours later…
@SPArcheon The show is literally a comedy, putting tons of jokes in the show and setting up scenes to be humorous. Just because something has SM doesn't exclude the show from also being comedy. I also enjoyed the relationship building between the 5 good enemies and the 3 magical girls, which has wholesome, comedy and SM parts.

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