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@Memor-X Passive RFID tag in the seed I assume. You know... like Amiibo
@Memor-X btw, it is in the video, you probably only watched the beginning. Look at about 3:00 in
they quickly use the Gem multiple times until it dims out and become blue.
At that point, they touch the Gem with the Seed to change it back to pink
.... and now I've found a much shorter version
3 hours later…
Q: struggling to understand a sentence with であろうとしていない

what is this channel evenI was watching 弱キャラ友崎くん 2nd STAGE episode two with Japanese subs and I could not understand this after all of my searching. This is because I need to learn more about grammar and given time, studying and input I'd probably come to understand but it's really annoying me right now haha. Full-senten...

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