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Q: Why do the kingdoms need the 4 heroes, if there are adventurers with levels higher than them?

PabloSupposedly the kingdoms need the heroes to fight the waves. But there are adventurers with levels higher than them. For example, the shield hero is below the level 40 after the 2 first waves, but 2 adventurers he meets later are 52 and 56. So why do they need the 4 heroes if there are adventurers...

11 hours later…
A worthy challenger to Kyubey for the title of "Dartboard Plush"
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon still not getting the hate against them
the only thing i don't like is Hestu's prices
probably the fact that there is a ton of them, people want 100% and 100% is totally useless (if not straight offensive)
generally a completion won't like being handled a piece of ... for their efforts
This is not Dr Slump&Arale
3 hours later…
@SPArcheon not really. i think in GTA San Andreas where taking all the photo points don't actually give you any reward. i assume it's seeing the sights to find them is the "reward" which could be seen as the same with the Koroks
likewise the flags in Assassin's Creed 1. collecting them all doesn't give you anything more than a filled in Memory Strand in the animus
also Stop 'n' Swap from Banjo Kazooie
@Memor-X Stop 'n' Swap is an incomplete feature. It is not fair to compare to that.
Alas, the point is not the "no reward". The point is that they give you a reward that is basically saying you were stupid for trying.
The point is not the absence of a reward, is the presence of a troll reward.
Imagine if people in Mario RPG received a golden "Mr. Poo" instead of the Super Suit after managing 100 consecutive jumps...
4 hours later…
@SPArcheon I like games making 100%ing a joke. Deincentivise me from trying to 100% and just burning out on dumb boring gameplay.

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