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11:17 AM
Q: How much older is Anzu compared to Kaoru at the end of the movie "Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi"?

Eti2d1When Anzu meets Kaoru in that tunnel, she tells him it's been 8 years since they last met. But when they leave the tunnel together, after sharing a kiss, it has been 13 years and 102 days since he entered the cave. This should mean that Anzu has also spent 5 years in the tunnel searching for Kaor...

1 hour later…
12:32 PM
Q: DanBooru tags and the limited creativity from Stable Diffusion "Anime" models

Pierre SchillerI've been working with Stable Diffusion since Aug 2021. In all this time I've consider the tool an awesome resource to work with Blender + my own drawings and making them enhanced through ai using different "Anime" models in the Civitai community. But through all that time I've also faced a huge ...

7 hours later…
7:41 PM
Q: Why do these two look alike? (Yugioh + Code Geass)

Pierre SchillerIs there any background story about the character designer? Why do these two have the exact same design?

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