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@ShayminGratitude oh, that's just because that's is a topic that really annoys me, so it is easy to get me into a lecture :P
Topics you shouldn't ask me about.
Other examples... What I think about FF7 plot and/or Chrono Cross, anything about Bridge to Terabithia (and if you do, don't mention the Simpsons), Yamato/Carrot issue etc etc....
@Memor-X been looking at some JP versions streams for Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life...
apparently... very little was added.
One or two more marriage options, but the barren landscape, empty plot, no goddess... all the issues are still there.
The mine is still the old same cat litter box it was in the GC version.
small, useless (unless you want some stone to gift to Nami) with no ore because tools don't have upgrades anyway (only the weird/odd variants that basically only reduce stamina use and are all gifts you get from other npcs).
I think someone even said that the useless tablets are still there.
Q: I'm looking for a ant killing system

BLACKVEHETAI am looking for a manhua where the mc is in a moder world were people have superpowers to fight monsters in dungeons. The main character gets a leveling up system so in order to level up he has to kill 1,000 ants to become level one. In the second chapter he realised that you can earn cash while...

@Kiki'sExpressDelivery Minecraft with the Crazycraft mod pack?

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