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Q: Manga about a man who buys/rescues a dying abused disfigured elf slave and tries to heal her, but discovers she is cursed also

NJohnnyRecently I started reading a manga called "Nisemono no Renkinjutsushi" or "The Fake Alchemist" Basically in "The Fake Alchemist" a man is reincarnated to another world and chooses an Alchemy Book as his cheat skill. He buys a female slave to do manual labor in his shop, slaves cant reveal their ...

13 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike Always the case, if you're not paying you are the product.
@Peilonrayz to be fair, here it is not even "you".
They were poaching money out of the content makers pockets.
Poaching from affiliate revenue, better discounts for consumers and IIRC someone else.

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