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Anyone know any good anime news podcasts?
Im going to try otaku spirit anime, but I’d like to know some other options.
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike not sure for English-reader, but for Japanese-reader, there are many alternatives for Amazon.
Meanwhile, I almost considered buying an e-paper Android tablet for reading manga, but after reading how it's usually locked down, I think I'll better buy a normal tablet instead.
Q: Which chapter of the manga does Dr Stone Science Future anime start in?

PabloI'm watching Dr Stone Science Future (presumably Season 4 of the anime) , and I want to know what happens next after episode 2. Which chapter of the manga does Dr Stone Science Future anime start in?

1 hour later…
Q: Could Saitama solo the Jojo verse?

classof2024Saitama is known for being one of the strongest characters in all of manga. But how would he hold up against the Jojo verse? I have just finished Steel Ball Run, and by observation of certain stands, I can say that some of them are outright broken. For example, D4C and Johnny Joestars Tusk. As we...

5 hours later…
@AndrewT. The appeal of owning a Kindle is more about the fact that it integrates with the shop far better than the other alternatives.
- first, you have the battery duration advantages over a tablet.
- second, the Kindle has it own built in connection meaning that you don't need wi-fi to check or buy books while on the go. This is because Amazon is partnered with many ISP around the world and therefore provides built in connectivity to the shop catalogue in most countries.
- third, you don't have to convert stuff or use the Amazon reading app since
Now, as long as you are reading some B&W book, a Kindle ebook reader has an actual advantage on a tablet option. This is why Kindle was considered a good option for manga but far less used by people reading DC/Marvel comics for example.
Now, we know that the historical reason manga have been B&W is cost related.
Printing full color manga used to be anti-economical.
But digital releases don't have to be printed, so it is easy to add "digital coloring". This is why we are now seeing many famous manga being re-released as "digital only color version". And Amazon is jumping the train into advertising this as "the future".
Yet, they don't have a decent product that their customer can use to read these digital color manga.
2 hours later…
Saying the reason manga have been B&W is cost related is like saying the reason manga have been produced at all instead of it being an anime is cost related.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Don't know about Kindle, but my ereader has worse battery than a tablet.
I've got those fake/unprofessional reviews on the internet to thank for.
Also, those ereaders are often running old/insecure software stack, so I'm not connecting them to the internet unless necessary.
@Gao explain then why some 80' manga used to have the first 3-4 pages printed in color to then get back to black and white.
@Gao technically the ebook have the advantage of requiring basically no power to KEEP the image displayed. Most of the consumption comes from switching picture. Meaning that if you read fast you lose the advantage basically.
@SPArcheon-onstrike to set the tone? so readers have a sense of the characteristics of the characters. like light novels have insert art as added bonus, but those aren't the main point.
@SPArcheon-onstrike only means the primary display technology doesn't consume power when not turning pages, but there are background services running all the time, and supplementary display-related tech like lighting that still do consume power.
if i turn off the lighting, it's basically too dark to be readable
@Gao oh yes, I know that
the company also released a power cover that supposedly charges my ereader when not in use, but it's so crap it basically drains more power than it charges.
A: Why are manga black and white?

SingerOfTheFallThere can be different reasons for that, let's try to imagine some of them. Lower cost. This is obvious (just compare the prices for black ink cartridges and color cartridges for your printer to see the difference). Also, consider that the lower cost of production causes lower prices for the e...

so that's only one of the reasons, and if singled out, doesn't really dictate why manga is in B&W
otherwise US comics makers would be dumb to deliberately increase the cost for no apparent benefit
You got me wrong then. I just said that the MAIN historical reason was cost related, while nowadays this is more of an established stylistic choice.
maybe has to do with traditional eastern paintings that normally prefers B&W for i think primarily aesthetic reasons
But the point is that while it would have been hard to publish "premium" full color manga back in the 80' now it is easy to add digital color to existing manga in order to sell the same Dragonball again.
@SPArcheon-onstrike I am not fully convinced that it is the MAIN histrocial reason. See my comment above.
@Gao I doubt that post WW2 Tezuka comics had much getaway to be printed in color. Japan was struggling to survive the aftermath of the USA "atomic gift" so...
After all, Tezuka himself decided to give Atom boy an atomic energy power source for the exact reason of shoving that atomic energy could be used for good instead of just be a tool to destroy lives.
Those were pretty bleak times, I am fully open to believe that every yen saved was a sucess.
@SPArcheon-onstrike japan recovered quickly economically, so even if it's true initially, it can't continue to be true
which brings us back to the "probably stared because costs, we keep it because of aesthetic preference"
yea, "probably"
i just don't like people handwaving away with "it's cost" when the reasons could be a multitude of things
if people are determined to do things a certain way, cost rarely get in the way
Ink wash painting (simplified Chinese: 水墨画; traditional Chinese: 水墨畫; pinyin: shuǐmòhuà); is a type of Chinese ink brush painting which uses washes of black ink, such as that used in East Asian calligraphy, in different concentrations. It emerged during the Tang dynasty of China (618–907), and overturned earlier, more realistic techniques. It is typically monochrome, using only shades of black, with a great emphasis on virtuoso brushwork and conveying the perceived "spirit" or "essence" of a subject over direct imitation. Ink wash painting flourished from the Song dynasty in China (960–1279) onwards...
i haven't seen people relating to this yet
traditionally, eastern paintings are rather monotone compared to western paintings
even paintings made in the imperial court, which should not have much cost concerns
i mean it was usually still colored a bit, but nothing too fancy
at least i haven't seen many examples, though i don't even study or interested in this
if it's cost related, why aren't clothes in black and white?
i would have so many questions if people give me this answer
@Gao fairly enough, you are comparing quite different things.
On one hand, you have a product for the masses, that should cost as little as possible to reach as much people as possible.
same with clothes for the commoners
sure black and white clothes are plentiful, but so are the colored ones
strangely enough, formal attires are commonly in black and white
but cantonese manga are all fully colored, at least the ones i've seen
so again it's strange: is hong kong just rich? GDP-wise probably not too different from Japan.
Even an answer whose conclusion is "it's cost" needs to be really detailed to convince me.
serially published manga may have cost and deadline issue, but are all manga in japan serially published?
@SPArcheon-onstrike This is a good and important question. I just upvoted it.
I am NOT that convinced that commoners clothes in the past (assuming you are referring to the likes of Edo period) were THAT colorful. Yeah, true, Indigo purple has been a tradition for centuries, but that comes from a pretty common plant.
@Gao be brave, go ask on Skeptics
People there are so nice and welcoming, will end up great...
@SPArcheon-onstrike Maybe one day. I don't have an account there and don't feel like asking now.
(trad: expect closure in the first 24 hours by some local gatekeeper that doesn't like to have questions that can't be hijacked to the answer they want to give)
@Gao you don't need an account there. Everyone I know who tried ended up deleting the account.
@SPArcheon-onstrike now that i think about it, it's not a good site cause what is the scope?
i mean people should be skeptical in any field
You should question why they even exist as a subsite on Stack Exchange.
Be skeptical lol
I just searched in Japanese for fun science about this, and every Japanese (read: Yahoo! Chiebukuro) answered with "extreme cost of printing and also time", then linked to how practically every manga starts with serialization, thus increasing the overall cost of the magazine
a few also comparing the number of pages in Japanese manga magazine and American paperback comics
I've always felt weird reading those serialization magazines: it's a hotpot of different manga by different artists with different styles and storylines all packed into an unfriendly sized publication.
The frontcover would also put me off as it's just like an advertisement.
Well, I was surprised when learning that manga actually starts with serialization :P Back then, there are only tankobon sold in my country (SEA).
Tankobon is also the norm here. I learned last year that Taiwan has its own localized version of Shounen Jump. Don't know about its popularity or influence, but I bet it's minimal.
Also there are "zines" that are basically just one shot manga, mostly self-published by the authors.
But the quality are not affirming, not that I want to spend time digging gold in a pile of *.
Pinkie Pie reprint available on Ami Ami
Q: Where can I find all episodes of Perman(1983) preferably in Eng Sub/Dub uncensored?

ojas dessaiI've been searching extensively across multiple websites like Toons.com, Toonworld.co.in, Hianime, Gogoanime, and Zoro for episodes of Perman (1983) but have only been able to find English-subbed episodes up to episode 295. I’m looking for all 526 episodes in either high-quality English subtitles...

2 hours later…

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