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@DaemonsMercy I switched over to violent. Seems to work. The above spoiler now has formatting, anyway.
Oh, switch number and colon order.
7 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Wishing to remember the name of this manga

GuestIn this manga the people can enter dungeon or tower only at night I think and clear floors The mc looks in the archers appearance but has the power to store any kind of monsters including floor bosses this mc becomes over powered with this skill he stores boss monsters and also form archers guild...

2 hours later…
Q: What is the actual devil fruit of Monkey D. Luffy?

Trusha JadejaAs the series starts, we're introduced to Devil fruits and we're informed that Luffy's devil fruit is Gomu Gomu no mi (Gum Gum Fruit). Red-haired Shanks himself tells Luffy that he has consumed a Devil Fruit. As the series moves forward, we're introduced to more devil fruits and types of Devil fr...

2 hours later…
And now for the "remind me of this in 10 years from now so that I may look like a clown"...
Reddit talking about Skypea foreshadowing Nika, then one guy comes and makes fun of them.
With the recent revelations that spoiler, the theory that One Piece means "get the world back into one piece" thus justifying the prophecies of Luffy as both a savior and a destroyer (of the old world and thus of pirates exploring it... what a funny tale, makes you almost want to laugh... right?)...
Eneru going on the moon where he found remains of an old civilization, the Minks being related to the moon which is the "bringer of Dawn in the Night", the Celestial Dragons being dressed in space suits and the whole revelation that Bonnie was a chibi all along... yep...
I don't think this user will get the last laugh...
(link formatting not working in multiline message... chat is horrible.)
another one that aged like milk....
> AlterNk 3y ago
Point by point on why this theory is dumb
2 hours later…
The Colourfull Stage Miku movie is out
lately I have been noticing these "Digital color" manga sold on various Amazon sites
as you can see these are presented as "Kindle edition" and have the usual single click buy button.
Now... for the question of the week.
Exactly how does advertising COLOR manga works for the KINDLE - which is a B&W reader?
Please don't mention the utter failure that is the Kindle Color Soft.
First, the color is indeed so "soft" and washed out that it may as well be worthless.
And then you have the yellow screen issues that basically killed off the entire stock with people returning the reader multiple times (some reached TEN+ returns) and keeping getting bad units
Kindle Fire tablets are also basically dead and unavailable in most countries (retired product line)
@Peilonrayz @Gao
@SPArcheon-onstrike Oh I thought a 'coloured' kindle was also released... but didn't know the product is basically dead. Yeah IDK... I try to stay away from Amazon stuff.
@Peilonrayz Kindle Color Soft. That is the one
Kindle Paperwhite, Colorsoft, Go Color 7
Paper manga, iPad
As you can see the "Color" Kindle is very washed out.
Mind you, you can buy the ebook to be read on a tablet but that gives you the usual compatibility fire rings to hop thru
basically you have to use the Amazon app.
and as far as I know the app is infamous for having the single click buy button for "suggested items" not requiring any confirmation. So it is easy to mistakenly buy books.
@SPArcheon-onstrike So that it can be converted to EPUB and read in other ebook readers.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Which is why you don't buy ebooks from Amazon if possible.
@Gao it would be like if the Gameboy (Nintendo, B&W) and the GameGear (Sega, color) were compatible and Nintendo was selling color games knowing people would then buy a GameGear instead
4 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike Yeah… there’s no colour in that kindle

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