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@SPArcheon-onstrike the user script didn’t work - ‘$’ is undefined?
(Using tampermonkey)
4 hours later…
@DaemonsMercy Workes fine for me using Violentmonkey. I wonder why TM is sandboxing the site's JQuery.
>! test
3 hours later…
Context: Fuga has no printed version, I would buy one if it was available.
Star String Yori / From Star Strings has neither.
@Peilonrayz probably TamperMonkey needs explicit inclusion of JQuery. As you guessed, I didn't add it to the script because it should be already available on the site and therefore ViolentMonkey doesn't require it
Q: Childhood based romance with a regession

user208842So the plot starts with an fl who i believe might've regressed soooo she regresses into her abusive family who she is an illegitimate child of so no one cares about her except 1 maid at least and the fl family traps the ml in the house only taking him out to show off to others and ml has magic pa...

5 hours later…
@DaemonsMercy it kind of is, compared to 7-10 years ago.
IMO all of SE is dead compared to 7-10 years ago.
jeff left the company so early
he's the originator of the network effect
expert-exchange is still alive my god, it might even outlive stack exchange
XD if EE out lives SE; what a time
that would be funny, but not impossible
when i get more free time i might even try it out just to compare it to SE
very curious if the site has a review queue or not, what it does right/wrong compared to SE
i am totally not fond of the new review queue rework circa 2021
the discussion there is spot on. many people correctly predicted how SO/SE would turn out like
in the meantime, somewhere else...
> Rikotae doesn't exist, she can't hurt you
oh you're back
Lunar is awesome! I'm adding it to my wishlist
if only the remastered collection included harmony as well, as i prefer the graphics in that one
it's closer to my time/generation so it feels more at home
8-bit pixels are... too retro for my taste
2 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike I might switch from tamper to violent. It seems to have a better privacy policy, and I don’t want to deal with the jquery thing (even if I found an answer on SO).
Depending on ease of use
if you take the John6666/hs-artify-pony-mhl2-sdxl model (pony base, watercolor / paint art style biasis)...
and combine it with the Tsukushi Akihito (つくしあきひと) general artstyle lora...
the final results are quite good... but this lora seems to cause a lot of noise.
Probably a side effect of how detailed the style reference art is, and how much "what should this even be" creatures the source material has.

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