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@SPArcheon-onstrike "his"?
@SPArcheon-onstrike i was wondering what the z's under ash's eyes are
just dirt?
2 hours later…
fudge it, i want to watch saekano season 2 and it's exclusive on amazon prime
an anime being exclusive to a platform indefinitely is the dumbest shit
and tell me where can i watch knights of sidonia on stream now that netflix has taken it off? these streaming sites are just dumb
if steam does this to its games, the gamers would riot
@Gao well, some games have been pulled out by their publisher, like The Last Remnant...
@AndrewT. Great. No reason and fs given.
The saving point is that users who already bought the game can continue to play it, for now.
don't they realize the only benefit of a streaming service is easy of use and availability? if i have to search on what platform is an anime available at for every anime i intend to watch, and have to end up subscribing to multiple services and still risk losing an anime in the near future, i would just go back to buying good old dvds and rip them.
easy money and they ruined it
i just dont get it
and Square Enix: the only two unplayable Steam games I own are both made by Square Enix. That's some great platform support.
2 hours later…
@AndrewT. or some of the older Sonic games in order to force people to buy the collections....
@Gao Squaresoft... Together with Bandai, a company I have to buy some games from but still a company I don't like.
First, the circus of lies related to anything FF7. They must really think players are believing every idiocy they say... "started as a detective story", "Tifa was totally there from the start", "no revenge agenda related to Chrono at all"....
Second, I have them to thanks for dismembering Enix and taking any hope of a new Guru Guru down with them...
Third, not get me even started on their licensing policies....
Someday I should check how many different versions of FF4 you could buy.
.... and let's stop at this
@AndrewT. could you fix the pronoun typo here so that I may make @Gao look like crazy?
@Gao whiskers, clearly.
alternatively, Pikachu's jinchuuriki.
3 hours later…
Hang on, "watching"...
@DaemonsMercy I just watched Link Click (from S1E1 - S3E3) how far are you, I'm slightly confused about something.
@SPArcheon-onstrike s/him/her/?
@Peilonrayz Status: manga ending too horrible to comment, author obviously came to hate their own story.
Alas, as far as I know, Toga always called herself "she"
Sorry, I'm asking about "could you fix the pronoun typo"?
"his" -> "her"
post was about the Toga figure.
And "her" seems the most appropriate one.
done :)
I've been super afk lately. I have so much chat to read :(
@Peilonrayz And you need to finish MHA too, so I have someone to listen me venting how bad and stupid the ending is.
I started watching S7 again... I must have gotten really drunk/tired with my friend cause I don't really remember anything. Currently at S7E6. I should have the show completed when S8 ends :D
My friend read the manga and is not a fan either XD
Wonder why... it "just" renders the whole show a blatant lie.
Perfect way to opt out from the central point of the plot, something that admittedly would have been extremely hard to write.
I do get the feeling whilst watching the story is very cliched. Like the author is using known tropes as a support to improve the story. Because anything which isn't tropy is kinda lacking.
Mind you. There are two issues that fans have with the MHA ending.
One is about expectations. Fans expected something (to be fair, because the narration kept talking about it) but that doesn't happen in the way they expected.
That is an issue with over-hype, but can be dismissed as a reader issue.
The second one is about the failure to keep the show promise, as the author went for the easy-out option.
That may not annoy you, but it is clearly a "false advertisement" in a way. I would even go as far to say that the show is no longer a Shonen like it was supposed to and tries to be a seinen.
But if I start to watch something because I want F.E.V. then I will be quite mad then the waiter gives me Batman.
I've watched a few bangers lately; MiA, NieR, NHK, Look Back, Link Click. I can totally get MHA isn't going to be able to pull off a similar story.
that is not the issue.
@SPArcheon-onstrike ty didn't know what FEV stood for
really, I can't say much more without spoiling the final arc.
@SPArcheon-onstrike never liked it in the first place. glad i didn't spend time on it
Let's just make a comparison.
Some may have heard me ranting about how much I despise this game
The premise is that you control a little girl trying to escape the house of a witch. Hence the title.
The ending spoiler
Luckily enough I never bought the game and only saw it being streamed on Youtube. But had I spent money and invested my time to play it... only to reach that ending I would be FURIOUS.
MHA is somehow similar.
igy. Your saying the story set up a certain expectation and failed to deliver. I just don't think the author had the skill to deliver the intended story.
no. That would actually be the FIRST issue people have. The narration set up something that doesn't strictly happen as narrated.
The other issue goes well beyond that. It is not a something about "expectations". It is about what "victory" would mean in the context of that story.
Do you happen to know Tekkaman Blade by chance?
@Peilonrayz this is sad. it's not hard to come across good music or animation, but good writing seems like a lost art.
yes i know this one
memey anime
@SPArcheon-onstrike Yes, I get what you mean.
@SPArcheon-onstrike No, I unfortunately don't
Well. How can I put it.
Undertale is sold as the "friendly rpg where no one has to die".
@Gao Probably doesn't help a ton of actually trash anime keep getting produced. Where better than average anime never get a S2... :/ The ones I mentioned above I really liked, so if you're craving a good story you have a couple :)
Imagine playing thru the game and then the True Ending is everyone dead.
Or imagine playing Fuga Melodies of Steel and every kid dies to the soul canon in the final battle anyway.
Yes, expected one thing got another.
You played a story expecting a type of happy ending, got something completely different. But up to the end the game told you it was something else
MHA starts as cheerful then tries to become "everything is gray" as it moves on
@Peilonrayz but more than half of them got season 2 or more. NHK is nice, nier so-so, the others i've yet to watch
oh, I know How to say this with one line....
MHA starts as Sonic Adventure but ends as Shadow the Hedgehog
@Gao "better than average" not amazing.
I don't know if the author tried to "radicalize" the show and make it "less childlike" or if they were simply unable to do what a carton about ponies managed to do...
oh the ponies, didn't they nailed the F.E.V. genre?
from hearsay, or people are just faking they liked it, i dunno coz i haven't watched
maybe tight deadlines and managers forcing them to change their stories to appeal to their imagination of what the masses like affected their psyche, and the story gradually reflected their negative emotions
that's how i rationalize it
The ponies nailed FEV quite well (if we forget the show finale which is an utter mess due to cut stuff, management probably wanting to move to Gen5 and many staff changes)
> Horses are social animals that under feral conditions (or on pasture) live in bands (harems) that consist of several mares...
Friendship, Effort, Victory, and Harem!
ponies not only good cartoon but also good national geographics programme
they don't make this up with some animals that are naturally individualists
Ever told you folk about the button I added to the chat guy with an userscript?
i only recall you wrote the script yourself. does it hide text in spoiler?
scold me senpai!
@Gao VERY basic version
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @match https://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/*
// @match http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/*
// @match https://chat.stackexchange.com/*
// @match http://chat.stackexchange.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

.spoiler, .spoiler > * { transition: color 0.5s; opacity: 0.5s; min-height:25px; }\
.spoiler:not(:hover) { color: transparent }\
.spoiler:not(:hover) > * { opacity: 0 }\
.spoiler:not(:hover)::before { \
content: 'SPOILER'; \
position: absolute; \
>! and then it looks like this
@Peilonrayz I’ve watched the whole thing. I assume by S3, you mean Bryson Arc?
What are you confused about?
(I had to load older messages to actually get that far, you all sent a lot)
@DaemonsMercy Nice, yeah S3=Bryson Arc
does the story so far not explain what happened to the pink haired siblings? S2E11 ends with the two in a precarious situation, but S3 just moved on like nothing happened?! (Not asking for any spoilers, just think I may have missed something)
@Peilonrayz Li Tianxi and Li Tiangshen?
*Li Tianchen
Anyway, Tianchen runs away in the subway tunnel, getting away from the police
Its meant to set up for S3 (which isn’t Bridon arc I don’t think)
Oh so Bridon != S3. Ok would make sense, thanks
>! test
That was disappointing
doesn't work... unless you added the script I posted above, of course.
the company can't be bothered to spend 10 minutes to add spoiler support on chat.
@SPArcheon-onstrike How do I use it? just copy paste the lines (including the comments)?
@Peilonrayz Oops, typo - should be Bridon arc
No worries were talking about the same thing :)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Chat Spoilers Handler
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @match       chat.meta.stackexchange.com*
// @match       chat.meta.stackexchange.com*
// @match       chat.stackexchange.com*
// @match       chat.stackexchange.com*
// ==/UserScript==

            .spoiler, .spoiler > * { transition: color 0.5s; opacity: 0.5s; min-height:25px; }\
            .spoiler:not(:hover) { color: transparent }\
            .spoiler:not(:hover) > * { opacity: 0 }\
@DaemonsMercy yep, but use this version, I was missing a line at the beginning. ^
// ==UserScript==
// @name Chat Spoilers Handler
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @match https://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/*
// @match http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/*
// @match https://chat.stackexchange.com/*
// @match http://chat.stackexchange.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

.spoiler, .spoiler > * { transition: color 0.5s; opacity: 0.5s; min-height:25px; }\
.spoiler:not(:hover) { color: transparent }\
.spoiler:not(:hover) > * { opacity: 0 }\
.spoiler:not(:hover)::before { \
Problem is, this makes so YOU would then have spoiler like sintax for post starting with ">!" but no one else (well, except me) would so...
>! yadda yadda test test nothibg to see here
@DaemonsMercy ohhhhhhhh, sorry... I assumed you knew how to use Userscripts
you need a browser add on like GreaseMonkey
that is just the code for a script
Might try it when I get home
again, even if you use it, it won't work for anyone else but you.
So if you post a spoiler everyone else would see it
better to resort to the fake url trick
use the link sintax and post some comma-separated words as the ulr.
basically like this: spoiler
Yeah, that would work
Never underestimate the tenacity of humans trying everything humanly possible to get around something
Huh, you have to use "http" or "https" :/
@Peilonrayz ... see above screen :P
I was mostly seeing if the protocol was needed... and I think SE just hard coded HTTP and HTTPS
.... the "Slay the princess" physical release is reaching extortion level scam.
the collector edition - assuming you find a site selling it - is in the 250$ range
the base nothing included but the chart one is 60$
@SPArcheon-onstrike Well... that's disappointing
The enamel pin looks kinda nice though (not that I'd buy it)
it is basically "everyone doing what they want"
Amazon jp - checked out of curiosity - 300$
vinyl soundtrack, so dope
that said, I find even more annoying that the base version is priced 60. For a game that costs about 20$ on digital download
wait, the art is more expensive than the game?
and did I mention this collector thing is released in April, while the digital game is already available?
it's just black and white yo, and 250+ pages
what kind of pristine papers are they using
@Gao I bet there is a joke somewhere I don't get.
if there is, i don't get it myself
i used to own a color book of from up on poppy hills that's also in the range of 200+ pages fully colored in most of them, and it only costed like <$30.
@Gao no, I meant... where do you see the Art at?
I don't see any artbook being included
The Art of Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut
> features thousands of unique illustrations, all hand-drawn on paper with pencil. This artbook features some of the artist's personal highlights from the game, along with commentary and insights into the making of Slay the Princess, all structured in a choose-your-path style.
ooohhh I see, the official site has a book but it is under the "buy the game" link and not under the "buy the MERCH" one
I was looking in the wrong place...
what an utter mess of a site....
it is? i found it under the merch
oh but the second link not the first one
slaytheprincess.com/merch the first link takes you to a separate site with shirts, pins, stickers etc. The second one (that only shows the game) stays on the same site and show a page with the game AND the book
@Gao exactly, what a stupid layout
@Gao alas, it would really depend on the quality of the print.
oh, one of the publishers is responsible for Doki Doki Literature Club.
.... which you can find everywhere for a very reasonable price.
@Gao Which one?
but ehy, I am just a dev. What can I understand about marketing....
@DaemonsMercy Serenity Forge, as shown on Steam page of Doki...
@SPArcheon-onstrike not buying that until 50% off
It is not like I think many executives in many publishing firms should be mauled with extreme prejudice wielding the Hoe of Destruction straight from Ultima 7....
@Gao Which is still 100$ plus
sometime the price is utterly high.
Sometime they simply don't want my money instead.
@DaemonsMercy oh, i mean doki doki literature club plus
curse you, Good Smile Company.... how many Shantae nendoroids did you make? TEN?
@Gao Oh, thought you were talking about the slay the princess collectors ED
@SPArcheon-onstrike what a saint lol
sorry somehow had a context switch
@SPArcheon-onstrike As I stay on this network more, I find that more and people are involved in programming as a job
A lot of people on Arqade
not surprising as it all started with stack overflow which is for programmers
But still interesting
@DaemonsMercy technically my home site would be SharePoint but that is a dead site basically
but you mention programming as a job - might not be everyone's main job
there are top-tier programmers whose main jobs are lawyers, novelists, etc.
which is also very interesting
@Gao I see you don't know SharePoint.
omg sharepoint is still kicking
no one would take SharePoint as an hobby.
@SPArcheon-onstrike There's some activity
@SPArcheon-onstrike that was a reply to daemonsmercy actually, i just don't want to ping so frequently
i had the "privilege" to use sharepoint in my last job
was that included only in the enterprise windows license? i am not sure
@Gao no print version, would buy immediately.
Ugh I can't reply to my own post
Anyway, some activity, but mostly the community bot (so yeah, dead)
none either for this one....
digital only?
you could print it yourself
@Gao I am seriously considering that... and buying one of those 20$ laminator just for that
@SPArcheon-onstrike what is everyone doing? too busy working? younger generation no longer chat by text? moved to another platform i'm unaware of?
@SPArcheon-onstrike it's probably much cheaper to print it at a local library
@Gao but then you have a plain copy paper version.
If I have to go as far as print it myself, may as well get it laminated as it deserves
@SPArcheon-onstrike they might have laminators as well
i've only really used laminators on posters that hang outside. don't know it could work on artbooks, or are there different kinds of laminators?
the one i used would have a thick transparent border around the paper
Star String Yori is basically Made in Abyss art without Made in Abyss extreme content.
an all-age version lol
Also none of the Mario Kodansha mangas have a localized version. Apparently Nintendo doesn't need the money.
yea isn't nintendo obscenely rich?
they would probably also ask a lot for the licensing and distribution fees
but the Kodansha Peach is simply adorable....
Basically Peach thru a Shoujo filter
@SPArcheon-onstrike Are you referring to Anime/Manga?
@Gao ?
@DaemonsMercy i also though SPArcheon was referring to Anime/Manga
@DaemonsMercy You can if you start the message with a colon and the message id. :67001588 for example.
@Peilonrayz Here's an example with my last message
@DaemonsMercy Star String Yori is only available digital. There WAS a printed version released at some Comiket fair far before Made in Abyss was even a thing... but even assuming you could find one copy... it will be used and priced 150$ at minimum
@DaemonsMercy How'd you come to the network not as a programmer / software adjacent?! ;)
which also proves that Made in Abyss author is an idiot since he should be able to reprint all the works he made before MiA but instead prefers to sit on the money
@Peilonrayz what is this hack
@Peilonrayz I’m learning :)
Also, Miku in Fortnite looks a bit better than the leaks
@Gao @DaemonsMercy I think I am missing the context for that "anime/manga" question.
Fuga as a manga that is only available digital. And the latest volumes aren't even translated.
Star String Yori is currently available only digitally despite a oversea company having a licensed translation. For some reason they won't make a printed version despite publishing many other mangas.
neither is an anime.
but if you want to talk about lost in transit stuff...
most of the "Tales of [something]" OVA are either unlocalized or available only in USA region.
A boxed version of Guru Guru does not exist, neither for the original nor the remake. And I think last year was the series anniversary, the manga even got a reprint...
But disk set? nope.
and what about the iceberg of lost anime?
Sometime something manages to escape the void - see Lucky Star getting a box set release.
Sometime character that were so popular everyone knew them even without knowing the source (see: blame those image boards....) disappeared without trace
ouch... Lunar getting close.
hide the ocarina. We can't afford that to happen again. Deleting all the evidence of playing Wings of Hope was already hard the first time.
@SPArcheon-onstrike This needs to be an anime. I can't stand the 8-bit graphics.
I love the artstyle in the animated sequence.
The English voice singing is very good!
I'm waiting for some old games by TTIME and USERJOY to be ported to modern PC and available for purchase again as i lost the discs
@SPArcheon-onstrike After I checked share point and confirmed it had no activity, you said none either for this one, which me and Gao took to mean you were saying Anime.SE was dead to
Q: What language were they speaking in the principality of Zeon in the original Gundam series

Aaargh ZombiesIn the original Gundam series, as broadcast in Japan, what language (or languages) were principle spoken by the citizens of the principality Zeon? I'm specifically referring to the in universe language that the characters were speaking between themselves in the story, rather than the language tha...

3 hours later…
@Gao Also, I said earlier that Bridon arc (in regards to Link Click) happened after S1 and S2 - I was wrong, I misunderstood the timeline (argh time travel) and it's actually a sequel, but there are things you won't understand unless you watch S1 and S2 first.

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