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Q: Fantasy wand /sword

Wil .LHello the manga I am searching for is sorta like Wistoria buts it’s not the mc had a wand but it’s like a dark sword and he uses it to save a girl taken hostage by a demon?? Or evil spirit?? I don’t really remember buts anything could help thank you

10 hours later…
Q: Do you have any anime tattoos ? which one and why?

RookkieeI have 2, I have a whole sleeve of Naruto and the fairy tail guild mark on my chest. lol

1 hour later…
Q: Why breserk anime feel incomplete

Aravindh YoxWhy Breserk Manga is So Good the Best, but Anime fail and feel so Incompleted. and 1997 animation is better then 2016. When i started watch breserk 1997 i feel wow but now i suggest every one to read manga (best dark ever created) before watching animation sh*t.

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