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2:24 AM
Q: How does Terminator Zero fit in the Terminator continuity?

PabloI'm watching the anime - american-japanese production ONA Terminator Zero. Is this somehow supposed to fit in the live action movies continuity (I'm watching episode 2 and for the events I dont see how, but the "Zero" would suggest a prequel) , or is it a retelling of the original story?

8 hours later…
10:27 AM
Public question to anyone in the room
Has anyone here ever bought anything over Solaris Japan? How was your experience??
1 hour later…
11:50 AM
The name sounds like they're selling the Solaris UNIX OS...
5 hours later…
4:50 PM
Nope, sorry.
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike Been a while, is the music the actual Bayblade music?

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