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1 hour later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike lol
@Peilonrayz I am tempted to repost it to the Genshin reddit with the text changed to "Broly is Natlan Shantae"
Would probably cause a war.
Uhhh... when I played Genshin I only played for a week. I got every map TP and whatever increased stamina. But didn't play past the ara ara lady's beginning questline
ara ara lady = Lisa Minci
@Peilonrayz if you check who they got as the JP VA you will see how that character was very biased toward fanservice from the start...
I know of a certain... fan service meme about the character. But I'll check the VA now
Alas, I was just referencing the fact that Natlan was thought to be based on Africa so player expected dark-skin characters. Then they got the trailers and they were quite "pale".
That started a riot "restore melanin to Natlan"
actual Mualani...
some mods:
I'm not sure I would be able to play with this one, I would probably be laughing all the time.
The mod makes here look even more like Nessa.
and since there is already plenty of Natlan is Pokemon memes due to the saurians...
Nessa Mualani would be a little too much.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Oooohhhh. Ok yeah I'm not familiar with the Natlan lore
Yeah, quite the difference
@Peilonrayz while you can fell some biasis (it is a known fact that Asia games character are quite pale, which aligns to old beauty standards. Just think about the whole geisha appearance with the white painted face) some rants kinda ignore other characters
there is still the Alolan Nahida.
@SPArcheon-onstrike I can't say I know about far Eastern (not up-to-date on if is a racist term) culture enough to talk about standards. I know about geisha ofc, but not actual culture.
@Peilonrayz English it not my first language, so you probably won't get any wording nitpicking from me.
Contrarily to many online trolls I know that I am not in the position to judge if most wordings are appropriate based on the latest standards.
So also please forgive my slip ups.
Here I was mostly referencing an alleged preference towards white characters in players from the Asia / Japan zone.
It could make sense due to beauty standard and history but who knows.
this old picture was relevant here
Aug 29 at 16:35, by SPArcheon - on strike
user image
If this is true, apparently the CN side had the characters ordered based on skin color... which is not that great.
@SPArcheon-onstrike I personally would refer to myself as a retard. However I know certain demographics (not you specifically SPArcheon) would be offended on my behalf for using a self referential term... and would cause so much drama over what I would deem a slip up from not being uber up-to-date on certain Western cultural changes. Using certain overly apologetic language would hopefully disarm certain demographics.
@Peilonrayz There is a relevant episode in the Amazing World of Gumball
Huh, I've seen the characters before, but never seen the animation before. I may have to give the show a go
@SPArcheon-onstrike I would believe some people would have very strong opinions on the rational. (for and against ofc)
@SPArcheon-onstrike (haha, yes)
that show is pretty weird.
And don't get me started on the nightmare fuel last episode.
because until the promised new season get actually made, the show just ends on an horrible note.
where "horrible" is Puella Magi "World ending event" level of the horrible scale
Luckily realizing that requires a level of attention to details most kids won't have.
Q: Manhwa where mc can see how long someone dies and what causes they died

Akmal KhunaidiSo the story begins when the MC was little and had an accident that made she lose her memory (this was when she was little). But after that she realized that she could see how How people can die and what causes them to die. However, she did not try to stop it until one day she saw that there were...

Yet the second you look a little into it you realize that the end is basically "everyone dead"
I'll have to take your word on the show. I personally like weird show and dislike English doesn't seem to have a "weird but good connotations" word. Every word for weird is somewhat a pejorative... :/
@SPArcheon-onstrike Hmm... you keep reminding me I need to look into the Puella Magi anime. I remember watching S1 and the anime stopping no where near the midpoint even... I may have a lot to catch up on...
@Peilonrayz Thad is a issue of mine. I like weird things. Not necessarily horror, just the "is this a fever dream?" style
I don't hide I would pay for a new game in the style of the old crazy Lucid Dream Simulator
as a side notice, just wondering...
You know the Powerpuff Girls, right?
@SPArcheon-onstrike As a child (with very bad memory) I watched a couple but can't remember anything about the lore
@SPArcheon-onstrike I can appreciate the varying levels of weird (not horror) I'm not a fan of horror but do like the weird/wacky/odd Japanese stuff. Stuff which is 'weird' and would never be made in my culture. Ranging from comedy to serious even...
@Peilonrayz do you want to experience extreme pain :P ?
Aug 20 at 8:33, by SPArcheon - on strike
@Peilonrayz I will hereforth archive this as evidence of masochism.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Sure ;)
Yes. The PPG had an anime adaptation.
Yes. They are utterly adorable.
And yes, it only lasted 52 episode and no one knows about it.
And again yes, it is called "Z" because of DBZ.
All the yes... I didn't know anything about the anime thanks for answering all my questions :)
Now, some may point out that this is also a love tribute to a fan comic called Powerpuff Girl D.
It is a pitty they couldn't manage to slip Dexter in an episode
@Peilonrayz it also had the Getter Robot.. :P
1 hour later…
@Peilonrayz May I also point out that you stopped at the part that is just an intro and more "already saw this" fantasy tropes?
@SPArcheon-onstrike I thought it was pretty well known? Just that there's a surprisingly small overlap of Anglophones who are into the franchise and Anglophones who would know about it
So far, I could not find a PPG fan that knew about this.
[assorted hissing sounds]
it happened.
Faputa GK
and as always, it is very well done, very high price and very can't buy it on any trustworthy site
6 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike Sorry, I'm not entirely sure what Powerpuff Girl D is.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Damn, nice
@SPArcheon-onstrike Sorry, I don't feel I understand what you mean entirely. Specifically "more "already saw this" fantasy tropes". I did the starting quests up to getting Lisa and the glider, and then started 100%ing the side content (getting all items, waypoints, buffs and stuff) I've been to most of the map so know I'm missing out on a lot of lore and stuff.
(I've not been to Brightcrown Mountains and Japan)

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