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6:39 AM
Q: What kind of weapon is Choe Gu Sung holding in episode 16 of Psycho Pass?

Ghibli Fan 007!!WARNING: WHOLE QUESTION IS SPOILER FOR EPISODE 16, SEASON 1 OF PSYCHO PASS. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.!! In Season 1, episode 16 of the anime series Psycho Pass, Shogo Makishima's accomplice Choe Gu-Sung went into the underground levels of the Sibyl Nona tower to discover the truth about the system....

12 hours later…
6:45 PM
Q: What are Koro-Sensei’s weaknesses?

DaemonsOccasionally throughout the show, a bulletin will appear on the screen whenever a new weakness of Kori-Sensei is discovered. However, the show shows all of them written in Japanese, because it’s a Japanese show. So what are the weaknesses in English?

Q: How does Principal Asano get everyone to hate class 3E so much?

DaemonsIn S2 E11 of Assassination Classroom, you can see the aftermath of Principal Asano turning the student body against class 3E. The students become very hateful, and there are metaphorical giant centipedes crawling around and resting on the students. When the centipedes go away, the students become...

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