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Q: Why could an injured Nausicaa lift a heavy machine gun and fire it? Does she have super-human abilities?

Ghibli Fan 007I've watched Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (produced by Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki) a few days ago. I love every aspect of the film, but I have a question about one scene. After Nausicaa tries to intervene in the Pejite attempt to use a baby Ohm as bait for a massive Ohm attac...

@SPArcheon The color is too flashy, and male/female Ranma looks too similar
@Gao the flashy color is just them reusing the Lum 2022 style... that probably worked better on Urusei Yatsura.
@SPArcheon I'd prefer Rinne style: flat, vibrant colors.
But Lum 2022 style looks similar to some SoL anime, so I don't think it's unique and originated there
@Gao Never stated that. I just said that they took the style that worked for them with Urusei Yatsura 2022 and blindly applied that to Ranma
but in case of our RGB oni the style worked to their advantage
@SPArcheon oh, that was just a comment from me, not stating that you stated it. but i guess when you read it it might imply that i implied you stating it, sorry
spoiler just in case, usual Lum attire in the picture
I am not sure that it will work for Ranma though.
lol, but she's an alien isn't she? i guess that's just how aliens roll
Also, ironically the 2022 version of Lum reduced the fanservice (not that I care) compared to the original release.
that might cause some problems for anime site that tags a character's hair color
I wonder what they will try to do with Ranma since that was far more fanservice oriented than Lum
from the trailor, i guess they would also reduce the fanservice
@Gao wonder how that will work with thing like the the infamous broken bath episode, or just anything related to Happosai
But yea, I already found it quite ironic that To Love Ru was said to be the "new Lum", then Lum returned, took back the crow of "best alien girl" after like 20 years absence and even showed that even with reduced fanservice she is still soaring above Love Ru like she ever was....
Quick poll: Anime.SE HNQ feeds on Chat. Yay? Nay?
(not that there are many HNQ though)
not here enough to think my vote should matter, not enough HNQ in the first place, I can just ignore it if it start posting inappropriate questions.
Conclusion: no preference, fell free to do what you want
@AndrewT. HNQ = Hot Network Questions? Then nah, I just read them from the main site page
Got it 👍🏻. Fair point I guess, considering there's already a feed that has been posting every question here.
@SPArcheon-onstrike wot? LaLa, Sairenji, Mikan are best girls ~~ FMIRL
@Gao remove the excessive fanservice and that series would shrink to about 3-4 episodes / season.
at least older fanservice heavy anime like Love Hina or Video Girl AI tried to have a plot
... Onegai Sensei
3 hours later…
Jul 4 at 17:23, by SPArcheon
Alas, on unrelated news, I see the JP Hololive members have been playing that torture device disguised as a game called "Chained Together"... so I will wait expectantly for it to reach the poor unsuspecting Gura...
still waiting, but apparently a Gura has been spotted in the new Earth Defense Force
Which means she HAS to stream that game on release, right? RIGHT?
8 hours later…
Q: Is Chougoukin New Z also made from Japanium?

PabloSupposedly, Mazinger Z was made with an alloy called Chōgokin Zetto ( Super-Alloy Z) . This alloy is made from Japanium, a new element only found in Mount Fuji. In a movie, where Mazinger Z was destroyed, a similar looking robot called Great Mazinger Z came to the rescue and saved the day. The Gr...

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