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@ShayminGratitude 🀝
i'm definitely a bit more flight-freeze overall but fawn still kicks my ass
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString ...you'll never guess who i just lost my bh 50/50 to πŸ™ƒ
4 hours later…
9 hours later…
> in hsr
i.e. the only playable female with elf ears, who happens to be a pure healer
@UnrelatedString "Sigewinne at home"
and depending on where you draw the lines i think every other child-type character is dps? but if it's just about height then there's some variety with pela/sw debuffing and fx sustain
(and lynx and hh also healing :P)
(and sparkle buffing)
(there are a lot of very short adults lmao)
@UnrelatedString Technically, Uncle Scrooge Diori is not a kid.
Q: Why is there a record player in the medieval era on NiNoKuni (Anime)?

HenkyoHmmmm..... Why is there a record player (or DJ turntable) in the Medieval Era on NiNoKuni (Anime Movie)? Record player (or DJ turntable) at a Medieval Bar - from NiNoKuni There are no Record Players or DJ turntables in the Medieval Era, are there? I know Technology can progress differently in fa...

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