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@Kiki'sExpressDelivery First and foremost, find a girl named "Monika"
5 hours later…
Q: Is drawing the の character in the ground a thing? [Konosuba]

chausiesIn KonoSuba S1 (a comedy gag anime), Darkness (a masochist) wanted this Demon Lord to do unspeakable things to her. But the Demon Lord just nope'd the hell out and left, and Darkness was sulking over it. While sulking, she's crouched and drawing the の character in the ground over and over again. ...

4 hours later…
And the cursed picture of the week award goes to....
coincidentally, I also realized that
Fern is Juju and Kukuri fusion
3 hours later…
Q: Why are there Sunglasses in the Medieval Era on Mushoku Tensei?

HenkyoWhy are there Sunglasses in the Medieval Era on Mushoku Tensei? Syphiette is wearing Sunglasses There are no Sunglasses in the Medieval Era, are there? Doesn't that seem anachronistic? Like these examples on TV tropes https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnachronismStew

2 hours later…
@SPArcheon Made in Abyss x Frieren? Not watched MiA, but the picture is pretty cute

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