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I'd never have guessed either 😭
that is so funny now though
11 hours later…
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike I don’t see a difference in the two images you sent.
@DaemonsMercy ^ more importantly, there is also no difference to this one
just joking, we all know that Memor-x even has her official figure.
Jan 18 at 9:02, by SPArcheon
user image
Jan 18 at 9:08, by Memor-X
@SPArcheon lol, someone actually pointed this out to me at chrstmas
oh, it was released in September.
There is still time, only 100$ and you can own your own "Almost-Memor" figure
1 hour later…
Q: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/233037/reverse-isekai-manga-where-the-mc-is-a-demon-boss-reincarnated-as-a-boy-on-ea?rq=1

Samuel AmokoMc is a male lead. It is a Japanese manga. MC is currently low-key. MC is s class MC fought against bullies in the beginning and overwhelmed them MC was the hero in another world MC is a teenager

3 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike Clearly, the writers of reverse 1999 created Vertin in that style because they saw Memor-X's profile. Definitely not the other way around.

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