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Q: does anyone know the name of this manhwa?

user169763the main show (female lead) has two brothers and her brother (the second) is jealous of the first brother, so the second brother takes advantage of fl, and fl is beheaded After that there was a scane where the second brother attended a seminar and only FL came, even though FL actually wanted to g...

5 hours later…
@Memor-X just wondering... you haven't seen the Shinkiro song collaboration between Gura and Marine right?
I guess you haven't... knowing you you would have mentioned it.
Also, I wonder what is Gura going thru in the first place.
@SPArcheon i generally don't watch alot of vtubers
it's mostly through twitter i find out about Cali and Kiara
@Memor-X Yes, but I also get what you watch "a lot of". So it felt weir no one mentioned that song yet.
not surprised, not surprised at all....
2 hours later…
...we lost her...
We should leave a sign.
"Lost: Memor. Last seen watching a Gura video"
@SPArcheon she did travel the world seeking knowledge. who's to say that she didn't happened to travel dimensions lol
@SPArcheon i really have no real idea what you mean to be honest. i assume it's yuri related
really the only "Gura video" i watch is this one
@Memor-X search SHINKIRO Gura on youtube.
Can't be posted here. It contains... hand holding
2 hours later…
Q: In Bleach, why couldn't Muramasa hear Koga calling for him?

HenkyoIn Bleach, Why couldn't Koga Kuchiki's voice reach Muramasa?

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