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8 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino question. Do you happen to know if the hopeless battle in Inazuma arc was always scripted to automatically end in a cutscene if you managed to drop the boss hp too much?
the first raiden fight?
ok, think I found the source of the claim
I once read she was technically beatable, but doing that glitched the game in a questlock state and assumed they changed to a cutscene.
Instead, it seem that the cutscene was always there but someone managed to glitch her out of the arena and kill her by making her fall outside the map.
And that... softlocked the game.
lol, what
@hyper-neutrino geo traveler + Kequing + Kazuha (+Venti) == broken maps.
I think that Venti+geo alone makes the Ascension quest skipable
2 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino Qiqi uses Guilt. It is super effective
also. This.

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