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12:41 AM
Do you want to continue with git?
I guess it's pretty early in the day where you are, though.
Idk if that's good or bad.
@EliahKagan :) I really want to continue, but I need to do some other things now that will take up some hours. Maybe I will have time in the afternoon/evening (here) or tomorrow morning or otherwise soon. I was especially excited about setting up a server to host my repository haha :)
Well, there is no hurry. :)
@Zanna You/we should totally do that if you want!
(The server thing I mean.)
Yeahhh that would be amazing:)
@EliahKagan :D like you said I think Git will still be in use next week etc
1:15 AM
11 messages moved from Raiders of the Lost Downboat

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