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2 hours later…
the [canonical-transformations] tag seems to have collected a lot of invalid entries over the years: it's specified as being for canonical transformations in Hamiltonian mechanics specifically, not "reduction to canonical form" in various other contexts (e.g. PDE or quadratic forms) or canonical maps in category theory
i started cleaning it up until i noticed how many instances of such there were
@Semiclassical you shouldn't edit so many questions at once, you'll get suspended
yeah, i realized that along the way and stopped
2 hours later…
I've reposted the above messages in the tagging chatroom: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3740/2024/9/4
8 hours later…
Is anyone else experiencing the same issue with the stackexchange drop-down menus (e.g. your reputation activities menu, the Your Communities menu when you click on the 'hamburger' button, etc.) no longer staying open? They were behaving fine (staying open without auto-closing) till a few days ago, when they started auto-closing after maybe 2 seconds or so (making it challenging to click on any selection). I've cleared cookies, cache, etc., but the issue is persisting.
@ryang Cannot reproduce (I'm using Safari on a Mac). The menu opens when I click on it and stays open until I click again or open a different menu.
2 hours later…
Thanks @MartinR. If the issue resolves, I will return here to give an update. (The only change to my system recently has been Microsoft's auto-update/installation of this thing called "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime", which annoyingly isn't obvious how to uninstall.)

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