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There is a fix coming (should be this week) for the Visited link issue (purple text on dark background), the small width window issue might need to be separate. — Carrott 16 hours ago
There is a fix coming (should be this week) for the Visited link issue (dark username text on dark background). — Carrott 16 hours ago
Both questions mentioned above are now tagged .
Q: Username in chat now has wrong color as a visited link

MartinThis seems similar to this bug report: Visited chat info page buttons now have a dark background color, making them hard to read. It is now marked status-completed. Maybe fixing the issue in that thread broke the display of username. If you go to https://chat.stackexchange.com/ or https://chat.me...

Q: Username in chat room info title bar may be partially, or completely, hard to see depending on the window width, chat room and browser

John OmielanIn most cases, the username is shown as white text on a black background in the chat room info title bar, so if the window width is wide enough, it's easy to read. For example, with a maximized window for SO Close Vote Reviewers, there's However, if the window width is narrower than the defined ...

2 hours later…
@FShrike and @XanderHenderson - also on Mathematics Meta: Why can't I ping myself in chat?
Q: Why can't I ping myself in chat?

zeta spaceI'm trying to ping myself in chat but I can't. Is there any way we can add this feature? It would help me organize my thoughts in the chat. Thanks.

A: Why can't I ping myself in chat?

Xander HendersonIn chat, you can "link" to a previous comment by beginning a comment with the text :[comment id] The [comment id] is a number which uniquely identifies the comment in chat, and can be found by examining the "Permalink" URL. For example, this comment can be found at the URL https://chat.stacke...

I will add that something like that can be occasionally useful. The ping basically can be ignored - I am already aware that I posted the message, so it does not really matter that I am notified about this But in this way I get also a little arrow at the beginning of the message - this might be useful for other users reading the message; in this way they get to see the context and they can easily find the message for which this is a follow-up. — Martin Sleziak Aug 23, 2018 at 15:00

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