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@User1865345 yeah, we'll see how the decision goes, but it sure doesn't look particularly fantastic for human rights in America
@HannahVernon yeh. That is going downhill for quite sometimes.
Toxic masculinity and false sense of patriotism are nothing but manifestations of anxiety, insecurity and ignorance.
Pretty much
I mean you got a defense secretary nominee who sexually harassed his female colleagues, has drinking issues, and a financial mess.
See people? Trans people are not the society's enemies. Those who are claiming so mostly have lots of skeletons in their closet.
Any way. Four years would be bleak. Americans chose that. Gotta respect that.
9 hours later…
2 hours later…
From what I have read it seems like it is someone who is upset with how the healthcare system works and denies coverage and treatments.
image not related
God damn, twice the industry average
Insurance is a scourge I tell ya <yells-at-cloud.gif>
This guy has been floating around as well
> JUST IN: #Anthem backtracks decision to cap anesthesiology coverage in Connecticut.
one can imagine there has been quite a few tightened sphincters among the CEOs of Americas Great Insurance Companies.
@User1865345 To be clear, this room isn't just for political news. All news is welcome.
So don't be shy about posting whatever news you want
@Unionhawk How is this even legal? Aren't their regulations? Okay I realize how stupid that sounds.
@Wipqozn As Darth Sidious says, he will make it legal!
@Wipqozn There are reasons for a valid claim to be denied. A valid claim as in a claim where the procedure was medically necessary. For example: there might be an administrative error (typo in the name), or the provider of the procedure is out of network, or it was billed to the wrong insurer because the the insured person has a personal and a work provider
that said, many of these insurance companies have specially designed AI systems that are intensely faulty (UHC's was up to 90% faulty) yet are the sole deciding factor for who gets denied
Also, those particular denial rates are based ONLY on the insurance plans that are available through healthcare.gov
2 hours later…
The practice also is often to just deny and assume people won't appeal
Since ultimately the law is a backup plan
What're you going to do, sue a billion dollar company with essentially unlimited resources
They will drag your case out until you simply die.
@Unionhawk American healthcare is a disease all its own.

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