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@User1865345 anyone else getting the feeling these picks are just as temporary as his staffing picks last time
also do we start counting Scaramuccis before Trump is in office?
@Memor-X I think it was hardly unsurprising. He goes along with his brutish instinct without gauging any real qualifications and only full on loyalty. And they come with lots of skeletons in the closet.
And now there would be FBI background checking.
DON said this:
@Memor-X i'm gettin' that expected feelin' dat he's roundin' up his gang of convicted felons
to force Canada to become HIS 51st state on the Union.
@Memor-X okay, this withdrawal needs a proper context which I hadn't read earlier:
> Chronister also became the county’s first sheriff to attend the Tampa Pride Parade in 2018, and oversaw a LGBTQ Liasion program—seemingly progressive stances that irked a number of conservatives.
> Some conservatives honed in on his office’s arrest of Rodney Howard-Browne, a megachurch pastor, for leading services in the midst of the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The charges against Howard-Browne were dropped months later.
The more popular he becomes the Greater America becomes.
@User1865345 unless Patel gets in
i wouldn't be shocked that if he did, background checks by the FBI missed a big red neon sign on someone's back saying "I'm a Russian plant sucking up to trump because he likes to be praised"
@think_meaning_buildß yeh i wonder how many of them has investigations or convictions
and also how many of them have been pardoned
*looks at Charles Kushner*
@Memor-X tbf, don't have too much faith in FBI background checks
@Memor-X to get a sermon on (mis)use of justice from a convicted felon who pardoned his family member and appointed him in the cabinet is beyond hypocrisy.
6 hours later…
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
> I am pleased to announce that Peter Navarro, a man who was treated horribly by the Deep State, or whatever else you would like to call it, will serve as my Senior Counselor for Trade and Manufacturing
- Don
2 hours later…
say it ain't so

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