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@BradC he won't resign.
> “Let me reassure you, the things that you will see in that story, those are not the words of Mark Robinson,” he said in the video, blaming his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein, for leaking information against him to CNN. “Folks, this race right now, our opponents are desperate to shift the focus here from the substantive issues and focus on what you are concerned with to salacious tabloid trash.”
2 hours later…
10 hours later…
> Gaetz is accused of attending "a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal" in a court filing in Florida posted just before midnight in Florida.
> The NOTUS report states, "The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017 party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023."
Another day in GOP's cult of weirdos.
> A New York magazine political reporter who allegedly engaged in an undisclosed affair with former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. acknowledged she began a personal relationship with a “reporting subject,” but denied that it became physical.

Olivia Nuzzi, New York’s 31-year-old Washington columnist, was placed on leave for what the magazine called a “violation of our readers’ trust.”
@User1865345 when i clicked on that in trending. i got Mark Robinson instead of Kanye "I like Hitler" West
More bizarrely, who writes such thing in comment section of a porn site?
Also he was in some sort of dating site of married people or what? Never heard of such thing.
@Memor-X Ye would be proud.
The party knew it all along. Yet they embraced him. Modern day GOP.
> He also disagreed with exceptions for rape and incest in abortion bans, implying that victims of assault deserved what happened to them under Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest" evolutionary theory.
This is who the GOP has chosen to represent them.
> “This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” the former president said. “I told that to Mark. I said, ‘I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two.’”
Prepare for when Donald will say he doesn't know him. Met him once or twice.
But yeh this is the party of family values and nothing weird about that.
Republicans are defending by saying Clinton was not given the same treatment when he repeatedly "raped".
> Girdusky fired back, asking what consequences former President Bill Clinton faced after he was "credibly accused of rape several times" as well as former Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, who was twice accused of domestic abuse. Clinton was endorsed by female groups, noted Girdusky, and Ellison was defended by Tim Walz and is now the state attorney general.

"There is multiple cases of Democrats doing something bad, and the party stands behind them," he said. "That happens a lot."
If your defense is merely whataboutery, then it speaks volumes of your lack of defense.
Secondly, wtf did make such equivalence?
@User1865345 Of course he did
> The civil rights icon’s son said of North Carolina’s lieutenant governor: “I am not surprised by Mark Robinson’s alleged inflammatory and offensive comments about my father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His praise for slavery, disparaging rhetoric, and grotesque characterization of my dad and his legacy are deeply worrisome for North Carolinians and all Americans who oppose racism and bigotry.”
@User1865345 Fucking hell thats stupid. I'm already against the death penalty because sometimes, justice gets it wrong and would kill an innocent...
But now we know he probably is innocent. The state: DGAF, i kill anyways
> The Georgia state election board was advised by the attorney general’s office that the decision to hand-count ballots was likely illegal.

“The statutes upon which these rules rely do not reflect any provision enacted by the general assembly for the hand-counting of ballots prior to tabulation,” it said.
> “There are thus no provisions in the statutes cited in support of these proposed rules that permit counting the number of ballots by hand at the precinct level prior to delivery to the election superintendent for tabulation. Accordingly, these proposed rules are not tethered to any statute – and are, therefore, likely the precise type of impermissible legislation that agencies cannot do,” the attorney general’s office wrote in a memo.

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