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@User1865345 yeh sky news was trying to prop him up by talking about his childhood and shit but let slip he's been backed by some of the wealthiest Republicans
2 hours later…
9 hours later…
@User1865345 No shit
Musk loves neo nazis
And also when people talk a lot about something, it boosts twitter
that becomes suddenly less of a bad investment.
@Fredy31 speaking of neo nazis, or fine people on other side: Neo-Nazis take over Nashville streets for the second week in a row
@Fredy31 he is a shit. Most of the day he hits on his colleagues and asks for fathering his child.
Other part of the day he does shit posting.
Remember folks.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
> New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez has been found guilty on 18 charges tied to a scheme where he accepted bribes, including gold bars and a Mercedes-Benz, in exchange for helping foreign governments.
> His lawyers had attempted to shift blame to Mrs Menendez, portraying her as a financially troubled individual who hoped to "get cash and assets any way she could".
He tried to blame his wife, wow. That's quite the classy move.
his wife who has breast cancer
I mean she's also on trial, just to be clear.
> Menendez is currently running as an independent, hoping to keep his seat in November's election, after most Democrats in the state walked away from him when the indictment showing gold bars stashed in his home was released late last year.
@Wipqozn another nonsense trying to put blame on his wife
As always, really interesting to see how the different parties react to crimes committed in their own party.
Good luck fact checking MTG
@Wipqozn and we can anticipate how that would go.
@Wipqozn absolute greed
2 hours later…
@Wipqozn Chuck Schumer already implored him to resign
@User1865345 They booted him from the party awhile ago too
2 hours later…
Has everybody seen the leaked video of Trump talking to RFK Jr after the convention? The bastard's bribing him by floating a cabinet position. I'm probably really late on this but here's the short: youtube.com/shorts/9G8rkOHYAmI?si=JC2yEHa0W0dpIlsI
@Jolenealaska I didn't watch, but I heard about it.
> It'll be so good for you, so big for you
2 hours later…
@Jolenealaska he later apologized. He said he was video tapped and he didn't ask for it to be stopped. Then someone happened to post it online. Wow.
She is, btw, in the hall of fame for the worst rendition ever.

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