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@Memor-X well, conservatives for you; Pearl clutching and all the red tape should be respected when its not about them, but fuck it when it is
Like Boebert giving a handie to a date in the middle of a theather performance, and in the same week the conservatives are pissed that a representative had the gall to show up in a HOODIE.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
> If Congress can’t act to head off a shutdown and FAA lapse by Sunday, most air traffic controllers will continue working without pay, but some 2,600 controllers in training — including 1,000 that are already working in FAA centers nationwide — will be forced to go home, putting significant strain on an already stressed system.
> Grant money for important safety improvements will stop and some regulations in process, such as ones intended to shore up passenger protections, will grind to a halt. And the country’s aviation system will lose an estimated $54 million a day in fuel and fare tax revenues.
"No way to prevent this" says only country where this routinely happens.
Doesn't just apply to gun violence.
Does this... happen at all in any other country?
Like maybe if there's a coup I suppose but
@Elva no, because most other civilized countries that can't agree on a budget have a rule to automatically fall back on "provisional twelfths", which basically means that they take last year's budget and give every month 1/12th of that
@Nzall Yeah its completely stupid that in the US, if the budget doesnt pass, BAM EVERYTHING GOVERNMENTAL STOPS
USA is honestly just completely broken at this point
It's a country that has an unhealthy obsession with a 250 year old document that was never intended to be treated sacrosanct

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