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Well, nick mercs decided to cancel himself. twitter.com/nickmercs/status/…
1 hour later…
@Unionhawk NSFW
1 hour later…
@Fredy31 I have no idea who that is, thankfully
@Wipqozn A major Twitch streamer.
@Unionhawk What a piece of hateful bigot, wow.
Naturally the GOP considers him a hero.
1 hour later…
Wonder if he tought he would see the pearly gates or when he appeared in hell he tought 'oh well, i guess this makes sense'
6 hours later…
> Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh aligned with the court’s liberals in affirming a lower-court ruling that found a likely violation of the Voting Rights Act in an Alabama congressional map with one majority Black seat out of seven districts in a state where more than one in four residents is Black. The state now will have to draw a new map for next year’s elections.

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