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1 hour later…
Oh come on, he's literally selling people on a bridge now
2 hours later…
We did that up there somewhere, a question of what circumstances prevented him from having backup power too since there was likely also a failure there
Also I see Blizzard has uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
"We didn't censor for China (glory and prosperity to China), we censored for fun!"
Gorka has rallied the Boomer Posters, damn. It's been a good ride y'all but we'll never survive the meme wars now or whatever
14 hours later…
1 hour later…
there are armed groups in northern syria just massacring civilians no I will not post the video of them doing this you don't want to watch it I promise
jfc :/
> Mardis's family told Fox40 that his electric oxygen tank lost power while he was sleeping and he was trying to get his back-up, battery-operated oxygen tank when he lost consciousness. Family members reportedly tried performing CPR, but paramedics pronounced Mardis dead shortly after they arrived on the scene
Ah, there we go RE: the man who died
2 hours later…
Manitoba declares state of emergency due to snow storm cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/…

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